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Dolores left and there's only Y/n with me. I walked up to him and lent him a hand, bowing simultaneously. „May you take my hand, my prince?” I tried to ignore my heart beating loudly, I can hear it because of the silence in the room.

Y/n giggled before taking the offer. „Thank you. Now, let's hurry outside.” He took his camera and moved his legs towards the exit.

We made it quietly. I saw Antonio not moving, maybe he's nervous, or even scared. After a few seconds, Antonio looked to his side and reached out mouthing ‚I need you’. Who...is he talking to?

Mirabel appeared and stood beside Antonio holding his hand. The crowd gasps softly as a response.

„...Why is everyone shocked? Is this normal?” Y/n whispered into my ear. „No, this is the first time it happened. Don't worry though..I think Antonio needs someone to help him. I think he needs Mirabel with him..judging by their friendship.”

Both made it to one's door. I couldn't hear what Abuela was saying because of the distance. Antonio touched the candle and took a deep breath before getting his hand on the knob.

You know the drill, he touches the candle then he touches the door knob and whoosh whoosh magic yellow sparkle glitter.

„I couldn't see, what's his gift?” „Hold on..” I tap Y/n's hand, that is on my shoulder.

Suddenly, a toucan flied towards Antonio, landed on his arm and started chirping. „Uh huh..uh huh, I understand you!” Antonio smiled. A picture appeared on his door and whoosh whoosh magical stuff happened!

„Animal communication!” I whisper-yelled to Y/n while grinning. My little brother opened the door and there it is, his room with a large tree in the middle of it. „We have a new gift!” Abueal announced.


I heard a click behind me. My prince, took a picture and gave it to me. „Can you hold on to this?” „Mhm.” I gently took the polaroid.

Click, click...click!

„Now that's a good n' clear photo.” Y/n laughed.

I wanted to go with the other people in Antonio's room, but I accidentally pulled Y/n. „Shit, sorry--” They put their pointer finger on my lips, shushing me. „Camilo, there are people around us.” His face turned red..it was adorable. Everyone was entering Antonio's room until me and Y/n were the only ones left. I got tired on standing there, so I sat against a wall.

Y/n did the same, but they accidentally crushed their stomach again. I was worried that they got hurt. I furrowed my brows out of concern.

Y/n just...froze. „..? It was supposed to hurt..?” He whispered.


It...didn't hurt? Why didn't it hurt? I mean— I don't want it to hurt, but it's strange. I suddenly remember that there's a healer in this family. „Camilo, there's a healer here, right?” „Y..es? Tía Julieta?” „Where is she? I need to talk with her.” „She's in Antonio's room with the other people.” „Thank you, wait right here, I'll be back in a jiff.”

I left my camera with Camilo, trusting him. I ran to Antonio's door and searched for Julieta.

„¡Señorita Julieta!” I said between breaths while walk-running to the healer. „Yes, niño?” „Hola, I'm Camilo's friend- good evening, I just wanted to ask you if you heal people by food?” „Yes I do.” „Say, were you the one who cooked the arepas Camilo had?” „Correct, why?”


„Do they just heal or do they make the wounds go away, you know-..” „They can only heal new wounds, they can't heal what's already fixed, so the healed wounds stay there.” She laughed. „Yes, thank you, Señorita. Goodbye!” I ran to Camilo.

I saw the curly haired boy sitting on the ground with the camera in his hand. „Cami, do you know where the bathroom is?” He pointed at the spot. „Thank you.” I ran to the bathroom.

I swing the door open, went inside and locked the door. I lifted up my shirt and looked at it for a second.

The scars...they're gone.

„Oh, no no no no no.....no..” The other scars are still there but they're already healed.

„They can only heal new wounds, they can't heal what's already fixed, so the healed wounds stay there.”

I pulled my hair out of stress. I slowly drag myself to the floor as I tighten my grip. I can feel tears form in the corners of my eyes. I sat there, crying.

Suddenly, after a few minutes I heard a knock.

Knock, knock!


Picture Perfect || Camilo Madrigal x M!Reader || DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now