They Know

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I came back to the tree right after Y/n vanished in sight. I noticed a camera sitting on the ground, I'm sure it belongs to Y/n, judging by his habit of photography.

I took it and made sure it wasn't broken or anything. There were a few dirt stains here and there, but overall was in good condition.

I searched for a note and pen. Shortly after, I found a notebook with a few more blank pages, along with a pen stuck to it. I ripped a page off and started writing.

" You left this. "

I wrote. I folded the piece of paper and held it in my hand as I walk towards the house across the street.

A few seconds passed. I got closer and closer, I was tired of looking at the door so I decided to take a glance at the window.

To my surprise, I saw Camilo, staring right at me.

I knew he saw me, I knew he now knows I'm here. I now want to go back to Casita and spend my whole day inside that half-assed mirror.

I put the camera and letter down infront of the door and knocked, just to get Camilo's attention.

Quickly but carefully, I ran to the side of the house in order to hide myself. I heard the door open and close after a few seconds. I quietly sigh in relief.

It's no big deal, it's no big deal, it's NOT a BIG DEAL.

Oh-ho, if only I just knew how to go back HOME.

I slowly slide down the wall along with sitting on the ground with my hands gripping on my hair.

I sat there for..what I assume 20-30 seconds until I felt someone's finger tap my shoulder.

I jumped in panic due to the sudden interaction. My heart was racing and I was panting a bit. I adjust my eye sight to see who it was.

I saw a boy with curly hair and yellow poncho with chameleons on it, squatting next to me as he stares right in my eyes.

I couldn't believe it. He was right beside me, not saying anything and not doing anything. Just staring at me.

I blinked many times before finally snapping back to earth. „Wh-What do you want?!” I said angrily and annoyed. He just smiled at me and got up. „I want your name.”

He said it so calmly, it irritated me. „Tch, as if I'll tell you just like that.” I looked away as I stood up. I turned my back and took two-ish steps, but Camilo stopped me by placing his hand on my shoulder.

„I'm Camilo Madrigal. You?” He tried to ask politely, more like manipulating me to expose my name. „Asking nicely isn't going to change a single thing, I'm not telling you my name.” I pushed his hand off and walked away.

The other boy managed to catch up and continued to speak to me. „C'mon, man. I told you my name so why not tell me yours to make things even? Eh?” I can feel his childish smile by his voice. I clicked my tongue and looked at him over my shoulder. „In your dreams, boy. Now leave me alone and don't even bother to find me.”

I said coldly and walk-ran to the other side. I knew he was following me and catching up to me, so I ran faster and faster as I circled the house and eventually got on the town's side walk and walked away from Y/n's house...and from that annoying chameleon.

I thought of something and time suddenly started to go slower and slower...but I kept walking and I felt like I wasn't going anywhere and the house was just getting farther and farther away from me.

Dolores probably heard me and she knows I'm here.

She's going to tell everyone, and she's going to spill my secret. There's only one person that can stop Dolores from telling a secret, it's either Antonio or Camilo.

It's better to tell Camilo, we already met anyway. I clench my fists and turned around.

I was walking quite angrily and I scared a few people. Heh. As I was walking to back to Camilo, I saw him enter the house.

I hurried my way there and made it at the step. I didn't want to intrude, so I knocked on the door a couple times.

Camilo opened the door and smiled. „So you decided to come back, you finally gonna tell me your name?” He smiled. „No, just read what I wrote.” I take out the piece of paper and pen I had on and started writing.

" Dolores can hear me, she knows I'm here and she's going to tell everyone about me. Avoid anything bad from happening by begging her to not tell anyone. "

I gave it to him and he read it carefully. „Alright, I'll try. But you'll have to tell me your name first.” Why is he so desperate for my name?!

I was irritated and I just exhaled sharply and glared at him. „It's Carlos, Carlos Madrigal. Now you have my name, now will you not tell anyone?!”

„..Madrigal?” I saw Camilo mouth. „A-” I fwipped my hand to surprise him, to shut him up. „I have to time for questions.”

I glared at him, deeply. Deep enough to stop him from moving an inch. I turned around and walked away.

Picture Perfect || Camilo Madrigal x M!Reader || DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now