第5章: Inner Demons (Eons of Misery II)

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please take note from this chapter onwards, there will be spoilers of both the KNY manga and the Act II of the Raiden Shogun's story quest.

Though it may not be noticeable to some of you, words that will give hints about what to happen are there.

So if you don't want spoilers, I'll try to write a summary for you in case you don't want to get spoiled — don't worry, some chapters will be spoiler-free so as to not ruin the experience for you reading/playing the game and will still be intact with the "judgment of euthymia" storyline.

thank you. 

??? , japan

1912 , taisho era


Laughter filled the space of the room followed by the sound of feet running across the hinoki floorboards; maidens and servants quickly made way for the rowdy group as they ran through the hallways of the palace. Colors of black, purple, white, and pink left a trail of chaos in their wake, making the servants sigh at the mess created - it seems they'll have another chore to add to their list. But nevertheless, the palace was a lively place and they intend to keep it that way.

A tuft of pink fur sped past the servants as its little paws attempted to catch up with the group to the garden where they all laid down to catch their breath. In the small kitsune's mind, she couldn't help but think of how they all looked like a bunch of gapping koi fishes gasping for air - well to be fair, she too was also out of breath.

The silence was calming, save for the group who was trying to recover from their past dilemma of playing tag with the mischievous kitsune but the area was anything but bothersome. While doing their chores, the servants kept an eye on the group in case any were to catch, let's say a fever suddenly. But that would be unlikely.

From the group, they couldn't care less about anything... for now.

Sasayuri managed to heave out a laugh as he sat up and looked on at his fellow friends and gave each of them a gentle pat, "Are you all alright?"

One from the group playfully swats his hand away before sitting up to give the tengu a mischievous smile, "We weren't the ones who almost used their wings to fly to get away from Miko, tengu-chan~"

"But I didn't now did I, Saiguu?"

"Careful now, you almost gave Chiyo a scare." You spoke before you could see the two bicker as you gently picked Chiyo up from the ground and placed her amongst the bark of the sakura tree. The pink-furred kitsune followed along as she curled up against the oni's kimono.

Chiyo could only give out a chuckle as she gently dismissed the worry that is etched on their faces, "I'm alright, no need to worry about me," she said, "It wasn't that tiresome, in fact, it was fun."

Under the blooming flowers of the sakura tree, the group laughed along with each other as they playfully bickered and spoke of tales from foreign lands. There was nothing amiss nor there was anything to worry about. A simple time and a simple wish for the group to simply be together like this for the rest of eternity. A simple moment that was filled with happiness, though governing a whole country brought stress to the five, they wouldn't change it for the world that they had together.

It was a time that was held dear, and a time one has come to yearn for once again.


The sky was dim when you teleported in the middle of the snowy tundra. You clicked your tongue as you dismissed the gloomy weather knowing all too well how it mirrors your mood, the thought of how your powers seem to affect this world simply passed your mind as you made your way through the towering trees. It was quiet, much similar to how your plane is most of the time. But it didn't hold the same security and tranquility it usually gives you.

There was something amiss.

You suddenly grew alert at the sound of footsteps, it wouldn't bother you as much if it weren't for the smell of stench coming along with it. Calm but prepared, you felt the spark of electricity in your fingertips as you prepared for what was to come. The silence was deafening but it didn't sway your concentration as the figure came pouncing in your direction, a whip in the wind got you disappearing in one place to where they were. Sparks of purple electricity leave in your wake.

"Who're you and what business do you have with me?" You hissed as you placed the tip of your blade against their neck. The tall figure could only stand and carefully observe you with their yellow irises before giving out a distinguished hum.

"You are summoned to our master's abode. He has sensed one who is on par with the gods and thus requires your presence."

Your eyes narrowed at the man in of you as rays of sunlight peaked through the clouds, lighting his face - you could see how it slowly burns through his flesh but he didn't seem to be bothered. Then you saw his face, the notable features are the three sets of eyes on his face with yellow irises and red sclera that have black straight lines diverging from each iris. In his middle eyes, there was kanji that says Upper-Rank One (上弦の壱). This must be one of those demons Kagaya has mentioned to you about.

'An interesting specimen indeed' you mused, but that wouldn't be a reason for you to lower your guard.

"I'm afraid I must decline." Your answer was short, penetrating through the invisible barrier of tension as his eyes darkened by your answer. Ah, it seems he wasn't used to being denied - that or he didn't wish to disappoint his master.

You expected him to draw his blade or any weapon that he has but he paid no mind as he only gave out a frustrated huff before turning to go back where he came from, not before saying, "Then if you wish for your questions to be answered, come to the city and to the alleyways and speak the name Nakime, she will be the one who will give you access to the Fortress."

And with that, he disappeared in a wisp of the foggy tundra.


"Some ambitions have the power to heal wounds,
to bring victory, to inspire hope.
But some ambitions, outlive their masters,
long after their soul ascends.
They remain as they were in the beginning,
burning bright and true, for all eternity."

a/n: missed me?

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