第6章: Bellflower

863 76 20

??? , japan

1912 , taisho era


The woman wandered through the tundra forest mindlessly.

She didn't question how she ended up in this realm of existence. If anything, she was more curious about what this world has to offer. The sight of the tundra and snow around her was one that she silently relished — Inazuma wasn't like this, for it's only seasons were summer and rain, especially when she had sent the whole region into a lockdown. Looking back, she couldn't help but wince at the memory as she silently blamed herself, telling herself how her sister wouldn't be too fond in her decision if she were alive.

Back then, she thought she didn't have a choice.

The constant fear of the unknown, the doubts that ate away her brain, the outcomes her mind fed her — showing a nation where the world her sister worked so hard to protect crumbled before her eyes as she failed to do the duty passed down upon her.

And all it took was years and years of isolation to finally conclude that the world her sister wanted their nation to have was to live for themselves. Her sister wanted you to live for yourself.

Without knowing how long you've walked, you finally come across a small cottage. You would've thought it was habituated by someone if not for the stench of death and blood. You grimaced at the smell but wandered near it nonetheless.

The sun was beginning to set, and you were looking for a place for temporary rest, and this was all you had; you didn't mind, but you were starting to feel homesick.

"お邪魔します (Ojama shimasu)," you greeted before entering the seeming abandoned home. Despite being abandoned, you noticed how well-kept it was, but it still didn't phase out the underlying stench on the floorboards.

You ignited a lamp with your electro and another to the fireplace, finally relieving the coldness from your body. As the area was lit up, you decided to look around the place, wondering whose home you had intruded on.

Gently running your fingers through the room's earthen walls, you stumbled upon a painting of a family of seven, all smiling brightly. It must've cost them a fortune to be able to purchase a painting of this caliber.

You couldn't distinguish the colors of their hair as it was painted black and white, but you've come to see how one of them bears a similar scar to the one the group held down.

Pity, you thought, I wonder what they'll do with him.

It wasn't long until you caught a fragrant smell. One that was discreetly hidden under the stench of death in the air. You slowly gravitated towards it, letting the feeling of electro fade in the air until your feet was accidently caught between the floorboards, opening up a compartment where a roll of paper was hidden.

You grabbed it after steadying yourself, rolling up to reveal a blank paper. But your eyes weren't easily fooled. You brought the paper up towards the light of the fire and slightly burned it, showing the haiku written on it.


On the right was marked with a bellflower seal.

And you felt your heart drop at the sight of it.

Why was such a noble seal you have grown accustomed to seeing... can be found here?


— it symbolizes "wabi-sabi",
a philosophy that prioritizes the beauty of
imperfection and transience.

a/n: sorry for being gone for two years guys 😋✌️ (ps. you are free to be mad at me)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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