Chapter 71

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Alastor and Charlotte would have loved nothing more than to hug and kiss each other for all eternity but then reason insisted that emotion take a back seat for a moment which caused the couple to break apart and wonder of the circumstances of what just happened.

"Alastor I know that it's you." Charlotte assured him. "There's no doubt in my mind now but how? Why do you look like this?"

"I honestly don't know." Looked at his reflection again in the nearest glass he could find. "For a moment I thought I had to be hallucinating but you can see me like this so obviously this is real. Also my injury is gone. That shouldn't have happened."

"I thought you were a better healer than most?"

"I am but not against iron."

"Why iron?"

"Well here's some interesting information about myself that I neglected to tell you. I was born with a human body and soul but fairy blood flows through my veins and fairy skin covers my bones. Fairies are vulnerable to iron and that blade I was stabbed with was made of iron."

"Wait you have fairy flesh and blood? How?"

"It's a long story and I'll tell you later but for now I need to figure out what's transpired here. I should be dead Charlotte. Dead and in my old body. It doesn't make any sense. Just what the devil happened to me?"

"I believe I can answer that." A third voice replied.

Just as the sun was rising over the horizon, a familiar red-haired and green-eyed woman stepped forth from the shadows.

"Well look at you." She said taking in Alastor's new appearance. "You're almost the spitting image of your father but that hair, that nose, those cheeks, and that mouth are identical to your mother's. And you've always had her smile."

"You?" Charlotte said, her tone skeptical. So many months since she had last seen this female but she remembered her from her dreams.

"You!" Alastor said with bitterness. He remembered her from somewhere too but it wasn't under pleasant circumstances.

Alastor grabbed Charlotte and pulled her behind him, trying to shelter her from the woman's gaze. His hand then made a grab for the discarded iron dagger which he held up defensively.

"You have exactly five seconds to get out of here and if you come one step closer I'll-"

"Oh put that away you before you hurt yourself with it again." The woman said unafraid. "I thought Marie raised you better than that. Threatening me with a weapon. Now is that anyway to treat your family?"

"Family?" Charlotte said confused.

"You have a funny definition of family Aunt Rosie." Alastor said.

"Aunt Rosie?" Charlotte said.

"What are you doing here?" Alastor asked.

"Calm down, I come in peace."

"That's a first."

"Alastor who is this woman?" Charlotte asked.

"I much prefer to do my own introductions." Rosie said. "I'm his Aunt Rosie."

"She's my mother's older sister." Alastor said. "She's also one of the two witches that made my life a living Hell. Which reminds me, where's the other she-devil?"

"She's right here." Rosie said producing a rat trap from behind her back. Inside was by far the ugliest rodent that ever existed. "Say hello to our nephew sister dear, doesn't he look divine?"

"Aunt Katie?" Alastor looking at the rat which hissed and tried to bite at him. "Yep that's her alright. Interesting new look, I must say it's quite an improvement."

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