Chapter 11: Leadership Material

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The atmosphere is a mix of camaraderie and relief as the group gathers around the dinner table, the air rich with the aroma of food freshly prepared by Gilgamesh. Sunlight streams through the window, casting a warm glow over the scene, but shadows linger in Ayaz’s heart, remnants of Thena’s recent episode triggered by the Deviant attack. He sits between Kingo and Thena, his golden blond hair catching the light, the delicate tension of the day still palpable in his golden eyes, which flicker with unspent energy.

As Kingo digs eagerly into his meal, Ayaz takes a sip from his mug filled with alcohol, the warmth of the liquid soothing the lingering unease in his chest. He listens to the light banter around the table, content to observe rather than interject. The minor chatter weaves a tapestry of shared experiences, a fleeting sense of normalcy in a world marred by chaos.

"This is just what you guys eat every day?" Kingo exclaims, his mouth full, eyes wide with appreciation. "Yeah, this is amazing."

"Every day," Gilgamesh replies, pride glinting in his eyes as he leans back, watching his friends enjoy the meal.

"Thank you for this," Ikaris adds, his tone genuine, a smile breaking through his usual stoic demeanor.

"Oh, you're welcome," Gilgamesh beams, his happiness infectious.

Kingo leans in closer, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Should she be drinking?" He nods toward Thena, who is sipping from her own mug, a serene expression on her face.

"No, hers is nonalcoholic. For kids," Gilgamesh explains softly, his voice tinged with warmth.

"I gave you the same thing, Sprite," he adds, turning to the mischievous young Eternal, who raises an eyebrow in playful skepticism.

Gilgamesh chuckles, "Yours is a secret brew Odin taught me as a thank-you after we helped defeat Laufey’s army in Tonsberg."

With a flick of her wrist, Sprite conjures a playful illusion, dressing Gilgamesh in ridiculous baby clothes, and the table erupts into laughter, the sound mingling with the clinking of glasses and the crackling of camaraderie.

"Speaking of Odin..." Kingo begins, his voice animated. "Thor used to follow me around when he was a little kid. Now he's a famous Avenger and won't return my calls."

"So, now that Captain Rogers and Iron Man are both gone, who do you think is gonna lead the Avengers?" Sprite asks, her tone shifting from playful to inquisitive.

"I nominate Ayaz," Kingo suggests with a mock-serious expression, sarcasm dripping from his words. It’s an obvious jab at Ayaz's laid-back nature, the most irresponsible of the Eternals, hardly suited for leadership.

Ayaz laughs, shaking his head. "That’s not a subject I should touch on. Everyone knows I'm not bloody leadership material."

"Such a shame," Kingo remarks, his smirk fading as Sersi excuses herself from the table, seeking fresh air to clear her mind.

"I could lead them," Ikaris states, a hint of arrogance threading through his voice. "I figure I'd be good at that."

Gilgamesh leans in, his expression serious but teasing. "Ajak didn’t even choose you to lead us."

Laughter erupts around the table, the tension from earlier dissipating. Ayaz watches as Ikaris frowns, the sting of that reminder evident.

"Ouch, Gil. Ouch," Ikaris jokes, clutching his heart theatrically. "Harsh. I'm gonna let that one slide because, you know, you've always been bitter that I can fly and you can't."

"Oh, so what? You can fly. Hestia can fly, and Ayaz can teleport too," Gilgamesh retorts, shrugging off Ikaris's comments. "I’m better looking; everybody knows that."

Kingo chuckles, taking a sip of his drink. "Mmm. This is really good, Gil. You know, I could sell this. Put my face on it, move some units."

"I made it from corn. I chew each kernel myself and ferment it in my spit," Gilgamesh reveals, his tone playful yet sincere, which causes Kingo to spit the alcohol back into his mug with a disgusted expression.

As laughter rolls around the table, Ayaz leans back, taking in the lighthearted banter. Yet, beneath the surface of joviality, his heart aches with unspoken emotions. He glances at Ikaris and Hestia, their bond seemingly unbreakable, and he feels another pang of jealousy twist within him. The love they share feels like a reminder of what he desires but cannot reach—a closeness he longs for but feels he cannot attain.

For now, he revels in the moment, surrounded by friends and laughter, yet the shadows linger, whispering of the battles still ahead and the burdens each Eternal carries, hidden behind their smiles.

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