chapter 1

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(A/N : this is my very first fiction that I published . I hope you like it, and this is not the real version. The real one was edited due to bad grammars.

Yours, catnip)

Sherlock x reader

You are my dream

  Before I could call him mine, there was a strange thing happened to me. I was barely 17 when it came to me. When I was deep in my slumber, dreaming about a ball that was set only just for me, my family and friends. As the dream kept on going like there was no ending at all, a tall young man with his dangerously handsome features walked across the room, looking proud and mighty. His black tailcoat fits his slim figure perfectly. And it was very tempting to look at him and not the other way that was not him. And much to my delight, he made eye contact with me. And oh, the color of his eyes were so beautiful and it drowned me in and I wish that I could get lost and never returned. As he reached me, he bowed to me like a gentleman ought to be. And he asked me an offer which I cannot reject

"May I have this dance?" He said while never breaking the eye contact as he offered me his hand in the delightful of dancing

"Yes, you may" I curtsied and took his hand with pleasure. His strong hand reached my back as he guides me toward the dance floor that people had stopped dancing to looked at us. He grabs my right hand and he put it on his shoulder while my other was linked with his right hand, then we started to sway along the soft melody of the violin. We dance like there were no people around us like there was no crowd that watched us dance. We stayed silent, not wanting to destroy this perfect moment. He brings his face closer to me and I did mine too. Our faces were inches apart when my lip felt his warm breaths. But, it was a shame, for our lips were barely touch that I had to wake up feeling like it was not meant for me to know the continues of my dream. But, luckily with luck and the universe was on my side for knowing him. I remembered his face, I drew him with a piece of paper and it came out looking exactly like him that I should keep it. I heard my mother calling me from downstairs and it was my cue to go to breakfast with my mother and father, and my uncle John. But before that, I bathed first then changed my nightgown to my daily dress and rushed myself toward the dining room. As I walked down, I can smell my house keeper's delicious cooking that made my stomach growled angrily. When I entered the dining room, my mother and father were already eating. Like usual, my father eats while he was reading his daily paper and mother was eating peacefully. When I saw my uncle watering the little plant that he kept.

"Good morning, mamma, papa and Uncle John" I greeted them with bright feelings. And sitting down across from my mother.

"Good morning dearie" papa said putting down his paper to look at me, then my mother greeted me and the last one was my uncle.

"How was your dream?" He asked me looking very happy. I blushed crimson red which my mother took notice of, then she asked me:

"Were you dreaming about a gentlemen darling, your face is red as a tomato" she teased me knowing that it made me blushed more.

"Mamma, how can you be so tiresome, do not tease me so for you know it made me blush even deeper shades of red"

"I like to vex you my dear, and so did your father and your uncle, now do tell us about your dream child" and so I did tell them about my dream, and I gave them my drawing of his face. The first one to comment was my father, who spoke highly of him that I could not hide my own smile while he babbling words "He is a nice looking gentleman ought to be. His high cheekbones and his smile looked at that. My little daughter is in love" he said while flashing his grin.

"But papa, he was just a dream that may not be real," said I rather sad, then my father soothed me with his words "Dearest daughter, he maybe just your dream, he can be real enough for you to believe. You just have to believe in your dream and maybe someday he can be yours and you can be him" He kissed my temple, then he continued "Oh dear God, look at the time. You mother and I have to leave!" My father eyes went big with surprise then he rushed around the room like a fanatic person. They needed somewhere else across from England to America for business and they would leave me for months or maybe a year. I could not contain myself for tearing, but my mother wiped them away with her gentle brush of a thumb "I'm sorry my daughter, but we have to, we will be back soon, hopefully" said my mother as she kissed my forehead "Promise?" I asked them with a hopeful tone of voice, then they answered me in unison "we promise" then, they left me with my uncle John Watson. He hugs tightly, as I cried on his shoulder. I began to mumble words that (surprisingly) he understand.

"Promise me you would not let go of me" I said still crying.

"I promise" His words were convincing, but it was all a lie.

(edited: 30/07/2017)

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