Chapter 28

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  once, I looked myself in the mirror as a strong independent, hard headed girl. But now, I only saw myself as a broken girl. dark circle began to appear, my skin was paler than yesterday. And my faint red-bluish trails of bruises around my wrists and ankles. I sigh, knowing that I am not as brave as I thought I would be. But even if I am in my deepest grieve, I still had my guts that were so little it can easily be gone any moment. But I still gathered it all and took a deep steady breath and walked out of my room.

  The heels made a clicking sound that echoed the massive room or rather enormous and was decorated with antiques that could not be afforded with little of fortune. surely this abandoned mansion used to be a trader's with a large of fortune and larger luck. I can help but to wander around and get lost on the way down to the dining room

Paintings were hung randomly neat on the wall, and the big Chandelier, and so much expensive furniture. the room was only brightened by the dim light of the candle which I brought along, and it lit up the room in a pleasant way. For a moment there, I forgot what was happening in my life, I forgot about me being kidnapped by a man whom I never meet but I always heard of. My thoughts were cut by a sound of foot steps and it made me turned around. The room was awfully quiet. so, any movement sound, even the slightest bits of sounds can be heard by you. there was a shadow lurking behind me, yes a shadow. I turned around and shoved my candle, finding an empty place, then the sound was gone and the room grew quiet again. 

  The creepy atmosphere made my skin covered with goosebumps. My heart raced from normal to fast, feeling uneasy and scared at the same time. I counted every minute that was passing.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes and nothing happened. But then, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I screamed and turned around and kicked my leg up. When I opened my eyes, I found Dr. Moriarty holding his groin in pain and he spoke words which I don't understand

"I'm sorry, what are you saying?" he mumbled again "Speak louder" and then he brought his face up with teary eyes

"You kicked me. On my shin. Hard. and it hurts like hell" Oops, my bad.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to kick you, it's just that. you scared me, I thought you were a ghost or things that are illogical"

"It still hurts!" he says one more time.  This man could be a pain in the ass, same as Sherlock do. So I once again replayed "You not as scary as I think you were" 

  Once he stands up straight, without holding his thing he straightens his coat and offered his hand toward me like a true gentleman. and much for his pleasure, I took it. He leads me to the dining room where a long grand table was standing,  a chair was sat at the end of the table and there was another one right across from it. and a pair of dining set of plates were orderly placed acording to table manner.  He let go of my arm, and with a gentleman manner, he helps me to be seated. he pulled the chair for me and I sat down while he pushed the chair back to its place. Then he too sat down by the chair at the end of the table across from me.

 and surprisingly, there was a butler bringing our food in. He placed my entry and Dr. Moriarty's one. The dishes smells good that I cannot resist the urge to eat it. After being locked with nothing else to do but to stare at the ceiling and got me thinking  that my life is miserable,  made me hungry with food. So, after the butler was out of our sight, Dr. Moriarty told me to eat.

"Please, help yourself with this delicious soup" he says. without any hesitation nor doubt, I eat it like I haven't eaten for life. And it was delicious.

"Umm, it is delicious"

"You have to thank My butler, he is a very good cooker"

"Yes, maybe I should" I said after I cleaned my mouth using the cloth that was set next to the spoon. Then a long silence came to us as we continued our food. But then he spoke:

"I think this is wonderful, isn't. Just wait until we are married" I choked when he said married. Married?!

"excuse me. married you say ?"




sorry for the caps, I guess I'm just sick and tired of my school

and thank you for the readers who voted and comment and added this shity story to your reading list.

and spread the love reader

yours, catnip

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