Chapter 26

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I woke up with a throbbing headache. The first thing I saw when I fluttered my eyes open were a blurry figure kneeling in front of me, I blinked a few more time to adjust my eyesight. the blurry figure became more and more clear. that was where I screamed on top of my lungs, but my screams came out in a muffled tone when I realized a fabric was tied around my mouth ad my hands and legs were bound with a tight knot. The man laughed in glee as I watched him in horror as his rough finger began to rub my cheek. 

"How long have I waited for this moment?" he whispers in my ears as he stroked down my cheeks. wiping away my tears. If I could, I would scream at him and demand him to let me go, but you know I can't. Without hesitations, he began to undo my gag letting my mouth to move and to create curses for him.

"HOW DARE YOU TO KIDNAPPED A YOUNG LADY YOU SELFISH, HALF-WITTED BASTARD!" I screamed at his face, pouring all of my emotions to my words.

"Now my dear, let us not be this way. I should celebrate my victory on getting you into my life" says Mr. Moriarty, then he stands up and walked toward the window as he spoke to me again "I've been dreaming you since the day I meet you, my love. You have captured my heart with your goddess-like beauty and your amazing minds. As a treasure to keep, I would treat you like you are a glass that can ve broken with a touch of a hand" true his word were sweets, but they cannot tempt me.

He turned away from the window to look at me, then he shuffled his leg and bringing himself closer to me. He kneeled down next to the bed where I laid upon. I can see his eyes were filled with passion. But I was too scared to think of his eyes. I was thinking that I can be rape or be used for his sexual needs.

"Fear not my darling, for I, James Moriarty will protect you with my power"

"If you wanted to protect me, then how can you killed those poor innocent souls just to catch my attention!"

"just be kidnapped you without killing those people wouldn't be as fun as you thought, That is Sherlocks' lessons, he should learn that he cannot messes with me."

"Why you chose to kidnap me when you know so little of me?"

"Why should I know you when I can have you without knowing you first? I am after all the doctor who everybody fears of. And soon, you'll be the wife that everybody fears of"


hey guys, sorry I didn't update for God only knows how long.

my school finally let me get some rest for only one month before I should go back to school and learn again :)

so yeah 


bring all the peace readers!) 

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