Chapter 23

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Scooters p.o.v*

It's been three days since Sharla has gone and I have finally found a private investigator. He's coming round in four hours hopefully he can tell us what this girl knows.

"Baby what ever he tells us I know Sharla is going to appreciate this very much." I heard Lisa say whilst hugging me from behind.

"I really hope so.." I say turning around and slightly pecking her lips.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat with everyone and maybe they can a come over for a movie or something?" She says. I smile and nod whilst getting my phone out and quickly texting everyone to see if they would like to join us.

*three hours later*

Lunch was great, and now we have just finished watching 'the note book' since both Pattie and Lisa wanted to watch it.

"So when does the investigator come?" Justin asks.

"Um he should be here in about... 40 minutes" I say checking the time.

Sharlas p.o.v*

"Sharla, can I talk to you please?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and its Chase. I nodded my head and told Rosie I'll just be a minute, she agreed and with that chase and I walked out to the back yard.

"Soo.." He says.
"Yup" I say, ugh this is so awkward..

"Look I just want to say I'm sorry.. With you gone and everything I felt lost, I just wanted you back but knowing you weren't coming back I started to go behind everyone's backs and sleep around with Tori. I really do regret it Shar, I really do. Please for give me, I'll do anything you want me to?" He pleaded. I looked in his eyes and all I saw was sorrow, hurt and regret. Maybe I will give him another chance...

"Look, I'm thankful that you have apologised and everything, just why Chase why? Did you not think that we wouldn't find out? How stupid are you really chase... I loved you so much and I don't know if I can look past this.. And people are going to call me stupid for what I'm about to say.. But.. In willing to give you one more chance, brake this one and that will be the end of everything okay? I mean it.. And plus I miss my chase." I say looking into his eyes with a slight smile.
He didn't respond for a while but I think he's processing everything in his end. Out of the blue he picked me up and twirled me around. I started to laugh and I mean a real laugh not them fake ones I'm use to doing.

"Chase put me down!" I shout.
"No never!! I love you Shar, I love you so much and I'm never going to brake this one last chance." He say slowly twirling me down to the ground.
I turn around and look at chase, I got so lost in his eyes I didn't notice the crew taking photos of us.

"Chase, I swear if you hurt Sharla again I will beat you up. Don't fuck it up yeah?" I heard Rosie say. I looked at her and we both smile at each other. "Thankyou" I mouthed she nodded and came over and joined in on the hug.
Next thing you know Rosie and I yell "GROUP HUG!!" Whilst laughing.

*skip to the last day in Miami*

Well it's my last day in Miami and well it's been a good two weeks I guess, it felt like I didn't leave. Oh Chase and I are still going strong and he took me on the cutest date! Guess where we went too! It was kind of cliché.. but it was adorable. Anyways we went to a cute Italian restaurant by the water front and afterwards we went for a walk on the beach and in the sand it said "Sharla will you be my princess?" Of course I said yes cause well Chase is fabulous and everything. But aw it was the cutest thing. But now I have to leave again and I'm not sure how that's gonna go.. I mean look what happened last time I left...

"Morning baby" I heard from the side of me. I rolled over and saw Mr Sexy lying there all perfect and everything. Ahahahah.

"Morning" I say with a slight smile.
"Come on let's go have breakfast!" I say excitedly. What? I love food. :3
Chase chuckled and said he would beat me t other table. Oh hell nah!
I sprinted towards him and as I was coming up beside I'm I shoved him in the wall so I could get in front.

"What the fuck! You cheater!!" He yelled.

"Hahahahah babe you never said there was any rules!" I say laughing and well guess who won.. Hehe I did!!

Scooter Braun is my new step dad.Where stories live. Discover now