Chapter 12

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*Sharla's p.o.v*

Walking out the front gates i see mums car waiting in the parking lot. Great.. well better get this over and done with. walking up to the car i open the door chuck my bag in the back and sit in the passengers seat. putting on my seat belt i sit there in silence.

"Sharla.." i hear mums quiet voice. i ignore her.

"Sweetie please talk to me, we have to talk about this sooner or later.."

"Talk about what?" i say.

"Well i know i havent been the best mother lately but i want to get that mother daugter bond we had back, i miss you sweetie, i really do." i can tell she isnt lying. she really means it. i look at her and see tears forming in her eyes. i take a deep breath in and say " mum.. i miss you too, but its not easy for me anymore. you have someone else in yor life now and you like this life style.. i dont. but none of the other family want me for what ive done in the last few years so im stuck here." i say pouring my heart out.

"Sweetie, you think i like this life style?" i nod.. waiting for her to continue.

"I really dont, i dont like when people follow me everywhere, i dont like getting hate from people on twitter, i dont like it how the paps pushed you over. i only put up with it because im doing it for another man that i love. can you understand that?" i nod my head slowly. it actually feels a little better since mum and i are having a motherly and daughter deep and meaningful conversation.

"So.. are you going to tell me why you got int a fight today?" she asks concerned.

"Ill tell you when we get back to that house you call home." i say. mum nods her head and drives us home.

*skip car ride*

We just got to scooty's house, i grabbed my bag from the back and walked inside only to be stopped by a voice.

"Sharla, why are you at home?" it was the one and only Justin bieber.

"Got suspended, it will probably be all over the news since im scootys soon to be step daughter." i say rollig my eyes.

"Yknow, if you keep on rolling your eyes they will eventually fall out." i give him the dirtiest and gave hi the finger. he just laughed it off and i cracked a smile surprisingly. chucking my bag on the sofa i walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. mum walks through the door and sees justin.

"Oh justin, i didnt know you were here." She says.

"Oh yeah i just came here to chill and talk to scooter but hes not here at the moment so if you dont mind can i just stay here until he gets here?" he says.

"Yeah sure, Sharla.. are you ready?" i nod my head and go up stairs to my room.

"Im just gonna go talk to sharla, make yourself at home" Mum says to Justin.

"Will do!" he yells as mum head up to my room.

I lay on my bed and wait for mum. She came in and sat on my bed.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?" she asks. i take a deep breath in and start talking.

"Well i walked out of my first class when it finished and got stopped by these bimbos and shes like " oh so your the new slut" and im like " "Honey, i wouldnt accuse me of being a "slut, should look in the mirror or even have a shower.. looking abit orange" she was gob smacked! she didnt speak so i said ""Didnt expect me to answer back did yah, well never judge people before you know them. fucktard." and the her bimbo friend was like " i wouldnt say that if i was you" in her annoying voice.. so i thought id test her and be ike " oh yeah, or what?" they all took there time replying until the leader bimbo was like "ugh what ever, your still a slutty whore." and once she said that i got pissed because of my short temper and well she doesnt know me. so im like "Excuse me what was that, i couldnt quite hear you?" by that point a crowd started forming and pulled there phones out so i wouldnt be surprised if its gonna be on the news later tonight since im scootys soon to be step daughter.. but anyway shes like "I said. You are still a slutty whore." an soon as she said that im like " i thought you were going to say that" i smiled at her and punched her in the face and she fell on her arse which was quite funny. i looked at her other bimbo friends and was like " anything else you want to say?" they shock their head and i sai " hmm good" but then bimbo number one wants to open her fat gob again and screamed "WHAT THE FUCK! YOU SLUT!" trying to get up off the floor but i kicked her in the stomach, she fell back down, i got down to her level punch her in the face again and said in her ear "Dont mess with me or else next time ill do worse. got it." I looked at her waiting for her to confirm. which she didnt. so i yelled at her and said "I ssaid.. GOT IT!?" all she did was smirk and say " no wonder your dad died, to get away from you." and tried to punch me but i caught her she said those words i was like in my head Fuck this bitch right off. one thing, talk shit about me okay but talk shit about my dead father! NOT OKAY!!

"Your gonna wish you never ever said that." i snarl, i grab her and slam her into the lockers, punching her multiple times, she tried to punch me back but i have fast reflexes and stopped it by kicking her in the stomach. i felt two arms around me ttrying to pull me away, their arms were so strong i couldn't get out. I looked at the slut, blood coming out of her nose and mouth. i smirked and said

"You are so fucking lucky you fucking cunt!!! Wait until i see you again, be prepared. bitch" as the person dragged me out of the crowd.

and yeah thats basically it.." i say waiting for mum to reply..

Lisa's p.o.v.

Oh my gosh. i cant believe what im hearing. when sharla finished talking i sat there not knowing what to say.

"So now you know why i got so pissed off" she said and turned her back to me and walked over to her balcony.

How did this girl know about levi? how did she know he died? i have so many questions.

I felt so sorry for Sharla, her and Levi had such a special connection and for her to be in the same car with him as he died would be heart braking. i just finally realised how broken my daughter really is..

i decided to finally speak up..

"Honey, i want you to know that im not mad at you one bit for beating up the bitch! she deserved it!" i say. Sharla looked at me with wide eyes.. "Mum are you sure? i mean come on you must be mad.. even a little.." she says confused.

"No honey im not. not one bit.. She did deserve it.. i would of done the same thing as you did if i was your age.. No one talks shit about my first love, my soul mate, my life. he might be gone but hes still here we just cant see him. But i do want to know one thing though.. how does she know about Levi?" I say out of curiousity.

"Im not sure thats what pissed me off as well, is that how did she know he died?" she said in thought.

"Honey.. can i have a hug?" i say scared what she would do, we havent had a proper hug since Levi's funeral. She nodded and came sat on my lap and hugged the death out of me. i immediatly wrapped my arms around her figure and lightly sqeezed her.

"I love you mum" i heard her whisper.

"I love you too darling, so much. you are my world okay, dont you ever forget that" i say with my heart and soul as tears formed in my eyes. I think Sharla is crying as well because i feel my shoulder starting to get damp.

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