moving day

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°{fundy POV}°

today is the day. . . I'm living with my uncle Tommy. he's been asking me about my boyfriend but he hates Dream. what will he say it i tell him? I'll find out soon.

/{in the living room with Tommy}\

" Hey Uncle! " i said to him

'hello fundy. ' he briefly replied

"you know how you want to know my boyfriend? "

'yea? '

"it's. . . dream. "

'WHAT?! '

"I know! I'm sorry! i love him though!"

'get out. '

"what. . ? " i said tearing up


i ran upstairs and started to pack my things. i can't believe my uncle did this. i have nowhere else to go. I'm going to sleep in the snow tonight. . i hope to see my boyfriend again soon. . . i would move in with him, but i don't want to be a burden.

i finished packing my things and left. left to go sleep in the snow. i was outside and checked the time with my phone -10:57-. i started going to sleep when i realized i don't have a jacket. i almost swore i would freeze, but i went to sleep anyway.

i woke up. i was slightly warmer on one side. i turned over and saw dream! he must have found me and layed down beside me. i love him. i woke him up and asked what time it was.

'it's 7:23' he said looking at his watch

"okay. . . "

'come on,'
he said standing up. 'let's go to my place!'

"alright! " -i said happily grabbing his hand and pulling me up as my tail started to wag.
"dream? "

'yea? '

"i love you"

'i love you, fundy!'

we walked to his house finally. we walked inside and i sat on the couch. dream went upstairs and came back with a blanket. he wrapped it around me, who was shaking. he wrapped his arm around me and cuddled me. we sat in silence for thirty minutes just cuddling and i was thinking about him, my uncle. tommy had kicked me out.

'fundy? '

"hm? "

'why were you sleeping in the cold? '

"i got kicked out. . . . "

'oh. . well you can live with me!'

"are you sure?? i don't want to be a burden and-" dream cut me off and started talking

'you won't be a burden. don't worry. '

"then sure!! " i said smiling and dream smiled back. i realized I'm safe. nothing can hurt me under his arms.

•|so, i will take suggestions. i won't do •|smut but i will do fluff and stuff like •|that, i won't do SH either i will do•|
•|panic attacks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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