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Where is Su-hyeok?

I looked around and he wasn't anywhere to be seen.  On-jo looked around in disbelief,"has anyone seen him?"  I haven't seen him since the whole zombie fight by the stairs. 

On-jo turns to Cheong-san.  "You were with him, right?" she questions him to which he kind of hesitated for a minute,"He was behind me."

"Then where is he now?"

He was quiet for a moment,"I don't know."

She looked like she was about to cry honestly and I felt bad, knowing she likes him.  I kind of just stood there, but i was also with him before. Suddenly we all heard loud feedback coming from the speakers which causes us to cover our ears.  Then a voice was heard.

"Students and teachers of Hyosan High School.  I'm Park Sun-hwa, the english teacher.  Something strange is happening throughout the school.  Some students are attacking others indiscriminately.  So please flee and find a safe place." Ms. Park says through the speakers.  I turn my head out the window and see the zombies trying to attack the speakers.  So they are attracted to sounds. 

I tap Nam-ra on the shoulder and she looks at me,"I'm like 99.8% sure they are attracted to sound, look." I point to the window and she sees all of the zombies trying to attack the speaker. 

"And if any student or faculty hears this and is able to, please call the police and fire department." she pauses for a moment,"Students, hide somewhere safe until help arrives.  If you can get out of the school, please get out.  I'll say it again.  Some students are..." she pauses again and it sounds like she's about to cry.  "Hey everyone, you're ok right?  You're not hurt?  I don't know what's going on in here or how this whole thing happened but...Still find a safe place and hide.  I... I'm sorry.  I can't help.  Don't get hurt, ok?  Please stay alive and meet again." when she said that I grabbed Nam-ra's hand and gave it a squeeze and a smile to which she gives me a very small smile.

After Ms. Park's whole speech we just sat in silence.  Nam-ra and I were just sitting on the floor with my head in her lap while she brushed her fingers through my maroon hair that almost reached my butt.  Dying it was my way of coping with mom and dad's divorce.

She started to giggle a bit,"Remember how mad mom was when she found out you dyed it?" she laughed. I joined her smiling and letting out a little laugh. "Yeah, she was pissed for a good week and she finally excepted it." I slightly frown,"Unnie, do you think she's okay, and dad?" I saw looking up at her

She frowns,"I don't know." she mumbles focusing on my face slightly turning her head a bit. 

"I-sak..." I hear On-jo start.

"Why are you so cold?"

That makes my head turn to the two of them. I-sak gives her a confused look,"So cold?" she asked confused. 

On-jo puts her hand to her face,"Your hand is really..." she trails off. 

"What about my hand?" she asks On-jo confused on why she is staring at her like that. Until I realized something, I-Sak's nose is bleeding. 

"What's wrong? Are you-"

"Really. I wasn't bitten."

They both say at the same time.  At this point everyone was focusing on them.  I-sak turns to everyone.  "I mean it.  I really wasn't bitten."

Just then Na-yeon's head lifts up.  Oh god.  "What's going on?" she questions before standing up.  "Did you get bitten?"

"I said I wasn't!" she snapped before running to the mirror on a table.  Then Gyeong-su walks to her,"Hey. Are you okay?" he asked her to which she just turns and faces On-jo. 

"On-jo." she says quietly. 

"I-sak." she copies in the same tone.

They start walking to each other and hold each other's arms."No right? I'm not, right?" On-jo starts to have tears brimming in her eyes and she nods answering I-sak's question. 

She hugs I-sak with her head hurried in her shoulder.  "I'm not.  I'm not one of them." she tells her as On-jo lets go but then hugs her again. 

"What are you doing?  Get her out of here now!"  Na-yeon cries as I get up.  "Can you shut up?  What if that was your bestfriend." I snap at her walking over to help Dae-su with the chairs.

"Come on, I said i'm okay." she confirms but everyone just stays where they are, looking at I-sak in fear.  That is until Cheong-san walks over to the two and grabs On-jo from I-sak's grip. 

"On-jo." I-sak says and she falls to her knees.  Oh-jo starts to thrash around in Cheong-san's arms,"Let go." she pleads.  I-sak then falls completely in front of On-jo and Cheong-san.  Then her bones start cracking just like coach Kang.

It's happening.  I-sak is becoming one of them.

A/N:  This chapter is much shorter than my other ones so the next one should be longer<3

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