Olivia Baratheon

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Imagine : Sister of Robert Baratheon, and the lover of the Lannister Twins.

Cersei took the scroll, examining it closely

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Cersei took the scroll, examining it closely. "Is this suppose to be your shield, Lord Stark, a piece of paper?" She asked, ripping the scroll in half, a glint of amusement in her eyes as Ned looked on in shock at her actions.

Ser Barristan, in full disbelief, stepped forward. "Those are the King's words."

Looking over, Cersei dismissed his worried looks. "We have a new King now." She tells him, gesturing over to Joffrey.

      "Olivia," Ned called the young woman out, causing her gaze to snap to him and away from her nephew who sat on the throne. "The words I speak are true, and honorable. These children are not your kin. Your brother has twenty children, who are bastards, none legitimate." Ned looked on at his friends younger sister with hope in his eyes, knowing she would see what he was referring to.

     "Liar!" Joffrey screamed, pointing an accusing finger at Ned. His eyes trailed over to his aunt, who was already looking at him, and his mother, studying the two. The room was quiet, and tense, and none made a sound, waiting on Lady Olivia Baratheon to speak.

Olivia looked at Cersei, already knowing the fearful look the lioness held. Somehow Cersei didn't expect Ned to speak to her husbands sister, nor for her to be here. There was no secret that Cersei cared deeply for the Kings sister, she was a ray of light on her dark marriage, and at night when Robert didn't fill her bed, Olivia did, but none knew that.

Cersei never was straight forward about her incest made children with her twin to Olivia, but deep down Cersei had a feeling Olivia knew. The Lady of Storms End spent much time with her and her twin, so there was no doubt she would be able to put two to two together.

Sighing, the woman made her way up the steps toward her nephews throne, and smiled kindly at the boy. None of the guards dared moved to stop her, trusting she wouldn't hurt the Queen Regent nor the King.

     "Lord Stark, I fear the words you speak are the complete opposite of true and honorable." She began, placing her hand under the chin of Joffrey, and lifted his head to her. "For this boy is my flesh and blood, he has my name, and my love for all eternity." Joffrey looked into his aunts eyes with such adoration, and love, that he ended up leaning into her hold and smiled softly at the woman.

     "Lord Stark, earlier you gave me some wise council, allow me to return the courtesy. Bend the knee, my lord, bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son, and we will allow you to live out your days in the grey waste you call home." Cersei says, giving Lord Stark an opportunity to make amends for his words.

     "Your son has no claim to the throne." Ned argued, gaining the boy King's attention once again.

     "Lair!" Joffrey screamed, this time rising to his feet. Olivia quickly grabbed hold of his arm, shushing him in the process. Cersei scoffed, a smirk forming at the corner of her lips. "You condemn yourself with your own mouth, Lord Stark. Seize this traitor, Ser Barristan." Cersei commands the Knight, turning around to stand back by her son. She gives Olivia a small smile, and a knowing look, one Olivia was very familiar with, and looks on as Ned orders his men not to charge at the honorable Knight. Cersei glared at the Lord of Winterfell, her upper lip curling upwards in disgust.

      "You think he stands alone?" She asked, causing the Hound, and many other closer knights to draw their swords.

     "Kill him, kill all of them, I command it!" Joffrey began yelling, pulling his aunt behind him gently, shielding her from the Northmen.

Ned looked behind him at the commander of the City Watch, remembering the words of Ser Janos earlier before entering the Red Keep. "Commander, take the Queen and her children into custody, escort them back to their royal apartments, and keep them there under guard." Ned called out to the man.

Olivia felt her heart clench, fear taking over. Everything was coming as a complete shock to her.

She didn't expect her brother to get injured and die, but he did, she didn't expect her brothers friend to turn on them, but he did, and she didn't expect herself to be put in this situation, but she is.

     "Men of the watch." Janos announced, causing all the men to quickly unsheathed their swords, and stand to attention, ready to do as commanded.

     "I want no bloodshed." Ned assures the people in front of him, noting how Ser Barristan looked back at the Queen in confusion, and unsureness. "Tell your men to lay down their swords, no one needs to die."

Olivia looked over at Cersei, to see the Queen completely unbothered by Ned Starks words, but she didn't miss the quick glance she made toward the commander. "Now!" The man yelled, causing Olivia to flinch, and shriek back behind her Nephew.

Looking behind him, Joffrey took hold of his aunts trembling hand, and rubbed circles into the skin. "Do not fret, all is under control." He whispers kindly to her, moving to show that the northern who were once standing armed, were now dead on the floor, under the Kings men, and Ned Stark was surrounded, held by Littlefinger.

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