Chapter 1: Venus.

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    I've always been one with the sky. While everyone falls from time to time, the sky never does. The sky always keeps itself high and above us. It never falls. I wanted to be like that. I wanted to be strong like the sky. I wanted to be as beautiful as it too. When times were dark, it had the moon and the stars to light it up. When it wanted to cry, it rained. When it's heart turned cold for a few moments, it snowed. The sky always had a way to keep existing. To keep being there for us. The sky never fell. The sky will never fall. I find that amazing beyond explanation.

   I think that part of me may try so hard to be as amazing as the sky is. I try so hard not to fall. The thing is, I thought that I was doing a good job at it. I thought I hadn't fallen, I thought I'd been as strong and as beautiful as the sky was, I thought I would never fall. Slowly, I began to realize, I would have to fall.

  The day I met Mars was the day I started realizing, falling wasn't exactly a bad thing.

  At 15 years old, my naive teenage heart had always had a place for Mars. He was beautiful. He kind of reminded me of the sky. More specifically, the night sky. His dark black hair, his deep blue eyes, his aura in whole, was simply just...perfect. We had met at a library, and I think, I think that's when I began to change my view of fate.

  We had shared the same interests, similar experiences, and the day we met, we instantly clicked. It almost felt too good to be true. If I remember correctly, it was quite calming, I didn't have to be in the sky. I didn't have to be on top of the world. I was simply a star in the sky, just another of billions. I was Mars's star though, and that, that's what made me shine.

  It had become a habit of mine to always go to the library, near the fantasy section, by the certain bookshelf, at exactly 12:00 pm, every Saturday. There, I would always see Mars. Mars wasn't just any star in the sky. Mars wasn't even in the sky. He was, dare I say it, out of this world.

  Now, it's 11:00 pm, on a Saturday morning, and I'm getting ready to head to Mars and I's place. I don't wanna jump into the details of it, but I don't think anything other than Mars matters to me anymore. With everyone else, I'm just the sky, unable to fall, to crumble, but obligated to stay above. With Mars though, I could. I always find myself turning back to that day. November 7th, 2020.

  It was my birthday, but I was never one to celebrate it. I would much rather enjoy peace. What place other than the library was better for just that? Exactly, nowhere. My favorite genre has always been fantasy. Imagining a world outside of the darkness of this one has always been comforting. Escapism was probably the issue here, but I will simply move past that fact. That moment is when I heard a voice.

"The tides we break, very intriguing taste in literature, respectable."

I turned around. A man with hair dark as the night and eyes blue as the ocean itself stood in front of me.

"Excuse me?"

"The book you're holding, very good book, read it if you haven't."

"Oh, will do"

He smiled.

"You'll thank me soon."

And I didn't know it yet, but he was right, I would thank him soon.

I began to turn around and walk away, but suddenly I heard the man again.

"I'm Mars by the way" , he said, surprisingly still smiling.

"I'm Venus, nice to meet you", I said, smiling back.

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