Rage part 2

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After that guy decided to told misery and rain to* go call rest of the demon lord immediately* they bow and left. Velzard sent a message to her sister flame dragon velgrynd about this "incident"
Velgrynd Pov

I was walking with masayuki/rudra in the garden then suddenly my sister contacted me well it is been a decade since we last talk so I listened to what she said but that shook me to very core someone was able hurt our little brother velgrynd says releasing bit of her aura. Rudra seeing this asked if something happened, to which velgrynd says "someone hurt my little brother with a pissed off expression" rudra says "what who in the world would be able to injure that monster" velgrynd glared at him and said" he is my brother" rudra realised what he said and apologies then velgrynd says" but you are right rimuru has been constantly absorbing the void energy he now equal to our older brother star King veldanava or might even surpass him in some ways..
Hearing this rudra went and informed all his forces to get ready into combat, Everyone was confused but nonetheless they prepared the army without any questions. Asked.

Velgrynd was still angry because even though she and rimuru don't have a very good relationship but he was still her little brother and now she learns someone has injured him. Yes she was angry she soon told me that she is going to walpgris and asked rudra to follow her. Rudra was okay so he commanded the forces to protect the country with their very life. Soon he left with Velgrynd

Rimuru pov
I wanted to check how my subordinate will react that is why i completely erased my presence along with my clone to imaginary space then i told ciel to wake me up after 5 days that should be enough for this prank {report-understood good night master}
Rimuru sleeps having no idea what kind of chaos he has created

12 guardian along with some other people Pov

Shuna- all have gathered today we are going to talk about were rimuru sama is and rescue him. Let the meeting begin

Benimaru- i know all of us are angry but we need to stay calm. First I thought rimuru Sama was testing us but now we can't locate him at all, it's like he never existed

Diablo- hmm it is hideous to think our master lost he could be fighting many god level being at the same time and got sealed it is naive to think our lord will loose even if the opponent is a God

Everyone in the meeting agrees

Ultima-then let's go kill that bug who dares to seal our master using hideous method there are 12 demon lord class and stronger individual i dont know about many gods but we can handle 2 or 3 God ourselves

Zegion- hmm ultima are you saying that we can defeat those people who even defeated rimuru sama

Everyone stares at zegion
He continues " even i dont believe anyone can defeat our master but they still are gods we can't attack randomly or did you all forget the message rimuru sama has said".

Benimaru sighs " yes rimuru sama said to protect the town"

Carrera - but rimuru Sama must be in danger

Geld- no he is safe for now we have our soul corridor with rimuru sama. So he must be safe

Veldora- hmm yes you are right but it seems I can't locate him ahhhh this is eating my head

Shion- who cares let's go search the entire universe and kill down all the god along with it

Benimaru - no rimuru sama told us to protect the town he surely will return

Testarossa - If i may Benimaru dono is right how about some of us stay here to protect the town and rest to find rimuru sama

Everyone "good idea let's do that"


Decided to protect the town


Going to search for rimuru sama

Benimaru- if you end up fighting the gods contact us ASAP

Diablo- kufufufuf rest assured benimaru dono. Just protect the town and not let a single bug touch it.

Testarossa - rest assured we will

Then everyone "until next time"

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