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Rimuru pov

"Ah good morning ciel, you looks really pretty,
ciel blushed and <<said good morning master>> rimuru said" it been 5 days how are things going
<<Yes, master about that we must instantly go and explain things to them>>.
rimuru said" ah yes they must searching me right, come to thing of it, was a pretty brutal prank, ciel did you record all of it rimuru said while smiling.

<<Master they think that some god sealed you so they were searching the universe and killing all the gods along with it >>
Rimuru said" wha- do they really believe some god can seal me up and you said something like killing the God along with it, how many have they killed

<<master they have killed more than three gods >> rimuru said what ah may your soul rest in peace well anyway <<master I have more news not only that but all the demon Lords are ready to go in war with the so called "enemy" that sealed you>>

Rimuru with a shocked expression "how did they know about this and who are they goona go war with ah shit it looks like I caused some huge mess, ciel call all of the executive to the meeting room

<<Master i already finished contacting them along with the demon lords, true dragon and the human representatives >>

Rimuru "ah i can probably explain my situation to my executive but what about the other, ciel use your wonderful brain to come up with the best excuse.

<<ciel - Master what happens in the dark always comes to light

Rimuru" ciel since when did you start watching dharman "
Well anyways it's better if I tell the truth <<agreed>>, rimuru then said" then telport me to were you have arranged the meeting room <<Done>>
Rimuru pov

I closed by eye next second I was in the 100th floor of the labrith
And i saw a huge table with nearly 24 seats.

Everyone turned back to see who came, shion and milim came running towards rimuru

Shion "rimuru sama i am glad you are okay with a crying face
After that milim said" bestie tell me who dares to hurt you rimuru gave off an awkward smile and said" ya we are going to talk about that, but was interrupted with testa, ultima, Carrera

All three of them hugged rimuru and said "rimuru sama' while crying rimuru knew he shouldn't have done this kind of thing to the people who care about him. <<Indeed master that was cruel>> rimuru said "ya you are right i should start apologizing hazz this is goona be a long day.

Rimuru then sat on the seat arranged by shuna, everyone was staring at him and gave off a gaze that was asking for answers, well most of them, but rest everyone gave a worried look. Then rimuru continue "actually this whole thing was my fau- veldora came and hugged rimuru.

Veldora pov

Hmm all my sisters are downstairs there is no way I am going there but i also want to know which lowlife hurt my brother, then suddenly I felt a godly presence suddenly " you have finally decided to come back rimuru" i telported myself on the 100th floor of the labyrinth and hugged rimuru well i was scared of my sister but if it's for rimuru sacrifice shall be made.

Rimuru " ah veldo- i mean brother honesty calling him brother is quite weird well whatever
" rimuru my sworn friend tell me who hurt your this storm dragon shall kill him kuhahah, "hazz some people never change rimuru thought, but at the same time velzard and velgynd stood up, started showing bloodlust, seeing this veldora started hiding behinde me,"um what am I supposed to do rimuru said.

I asked them to calm down and then they listened which was surprising I thought dragon had a rule" older ones can bully the younger ones". I thought and then I continued but was interrupted again by guy and rudra "who was the guy who injured you, I got a bit pissed and said shut up and listen, stop cutting me in between, they looked quite surprised.

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