03| 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺

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"I'll see you next time Spooky

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"I'll see you next time Spooky." Ruby said as she walks towards the boy who challenged her putting her hand out.

"You know the deal." Ruby said and the boy shakes his head with a glare but takes out his keys giving it to her, he leaves his head hanging down.

"Here, I'll follow you to the party." Ruby said looking at Ashtray and he nods taking the keys.

Ruby drives behind Ashtray as he drives behind Fez who took their car. It didn't take long to arrive to the party, the house was blasting loud music that you could feel the ground vibrating at the music and cars parked everywhere.

"So is everyone in here from high school?" Ruby asked making Fez nod as they go inside the house.

"Yeah, everyone in school is here along with some college kids that got invited!" Fez shouts through the loud music making Ruby nod as they stopped near the kitchen.

"Alright you both stay safe and no fighting, I'll be in the couch. Ash you know the drill." Fez said pointing at him making Ashtray nod bringing a red backpack from his back.

"Yeah, you wanna help?" He asked Ruby who nodded but points to the kitchen.

"I'll grab something to drink, you want any?" She asked and he nodded.

"I'll wait here." Ashtray said and she nods with a smile going to the kitchen, she grabs two red empty cups and goes to grab some liquor making sure that it didn't have any kind of drugs.

Keep in mind that Ruby doesn't do drugs like never only liquor but she only drinks when she feels nervous or worried which right now she was feeling nervous because for the first time she was hanging out someone her age.

Ruby jumped when she heard glass shatter and she turns around holding a cup to see a boy without a shirt on looking angry as he throws more glass to the kitchen floor yelling.

"Get the fuck out of here! Get the fuck out of here! Fuck!" The boy yells making some leave or get far away from him that's what Ruby did backed away from him throwing the drink out in the sink when the liquor tasted horrible, she goes to grab another liquor bottle only to stop when the same crazy boy called her out.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" The boy asked licking his lips from dryness as he slowly walks to her making Ruby tense having her hand on her back pocket where she has her gun.

"Why in the hell will I be looking at you? Now move, your in my way." Ruby said with a glare as the boy just laughs at her.

"Who are you?" He asked and Ruby steps back seeing him her close she puts the cups down at the counter looking back at the boy.

"That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot... you should really step back I need to go to my friend." Ruby said with a huff and grabs the cups to leave.

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