Chapter Three

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The man hovering above me had a scruffy, black beard and black hair that flowed past his shoulders. His clothes were torn in some places and all of him, even his face, had traces of dirt and smudges of what looked like soot. He looked, and smelled, like he hadn't bathed in weeks.

His eyes, a surprising blue, looked at me with surprise, as if he wasn't expecting some girl to be here for... for whatever was happening.

The smile that broke out on his face, which revealed some missing and darkened teeth, jolted me back to reality. I may have no clue what was going on, but I was able to understand enough to know I was in danger.

I stood quickly, glad to have his shadow off me, and tried to collect myself.

The man stood several inches taller than me, and I tried to make myself seem big, even though his smile and stare unnerved me.

His eyes raked down my body, pausing at my knees where my dress ended to survey my bare legs. He chuckled, as if he'd seen some scandalous part of my body, before meeting my eyes again.

"What are you still doing here?" His tone implied that he knew I would be here, but was simultaneously not expecting to see me. I didn't know who he was or what he wanted with me, but with the way his eyes kept roaming my body, I knew I needed to leave as soon as possible.

"I think the better question," I responded, cautiously taking steps to the right, back the way I had come, "is what are you still doing here?" I didn't want to answer him, but I figured distracting him with conversation might help me run back down the pass. Professor Stanley and the tour guide should still be around the corner, and if I could get within their sight, they would no doubt help me get away from this man.

He chuckled, but without humor. "I'm here until the job is finished," he took a confident step towards me, and I took an instinctive step back, closer to safety. He seemed to notice my fear and the smile on his face widened, enjoying whatever game he was playing.

"As you can see," he gestured to the fighting near us, "my job here is almost done." I looked back to the carriage where the fighting was taking place. I had to keep my jaw dropping from surprise.

The guards clad in gold, who had looked like such skilled fighters, were almost all laying dead on the ground. The two who were left stood back-to-back, swords in hand, staring grimly and the group of men surrounding them. They didn't stand a chance, but they would die fighting.

I turned back to the man, and jumped to find him standing even closer to me.

I took a few more steps backwards, no longer seeing any strategy in trying to step away slowly and stealthily. I needed to get away, or I would become like those guards.

"Why did you do this?" My voice didn't sound as strong or brave as I meant it too, instead, it cracked, showing my fear. He took more slow steps toward me, that same sly look on his face. Each step he took, I responded with a step back.

"I think you know," his smile went away and as his eyes raked me again, a dark looked took over his features. "And you also knew the terms. You had your chance, now you're mine." His last words were the only warning I got before he lunged for me.

I backed away just in time for his hands to miss me, and his grasped at the air instead.

Without hesitation, I turned, running around the bend and back the way I came.

"Help!" I cried out, hoping my professor or the guide would hear me, but when I looked ahead, I couldn't see either of them.

It felt as if my soul left my body, knowing that I was now truly alone out here, without anyone to save me. What had happened to them? Had these mountain men killed them before reaching me?

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