The Day We Met

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(A/N:Just saying now I'm magically giving Jeff eyelids, just to make my life easier, his carved smile is professionally cut, don't ask how he pulled that off as a child, say it's because of youtube or WattPad logic it is up to your mind! Anyway, enjoy!)
P.S. M/N=Male Name, E/C=Eye Color,
H/C=Hair Color(can be whatever length), F/C=Favorite Color, and many more, I might just put a meaning next to the one's I may use that I didn't state here but okay!


Can today get any worse? I never believed in bad days but this has got to be one! My bus showed up late this morning, it's been storming, non-stop! Now my bus didn't even bother showing up after school ended! Seriously, how does he still have his job! Now I am stuck trying to run back to my place in this weather without getting wet. Key word trying I am literally soaking wet!

As I round the block leading to the street I live on I notice this guy in a alley laying on the ground, his white hoodie covered in what looks to be....blood?! What the hell?! Is this guy okay?

I run over to him, he looks unconscious. This rain sure isn't helping this guy. So I use what energy is left to pick him up and carry him to my place and lay him on the couch in my living room. I live alone so, maybe this wasn't the best idea. But hey, worst comes to worst he ends up being a killer and I don't have much time left to live!.....I might've just jinxed it by thinking that but atleast I did my good deed for the day? Curse my good conscience that made me help him!

I grab my first aid from the bathroom cabinet, and head back to the living room, he must've lost a lot of blood considering he is still out of it, so I move over near him and examine him. He wasn't that bad looking, actually he looks kinda hot. But not in a weird way! I mean I've seen worse, just going to over look the vampire skin and carved smile. What am i doing!? This guy is probably close to death from blood loss and I am checking him out!

I bandage the wound on his stomach after cleaning it and applying medicine, looks like he got a rather long deep gash cut diagonally across his entire stomach. I should get him a new hoodie, and maybe entire ourfit. Lucky for me he looks about the same size as my older brother Ace, maybe slightly shorter? It's hard to tell when he isn't standing.

So I head upstairs to Ace's room and grab an outfit for him, head back downstairs, and lay it on the mini table near him. Then grab a outfit from my room and get ready for a hot shower just to atleast attempt to not get a cold tomorrow.

Jeff's POV:

Grr WHY DOES MY HEAD HURT SO FREAKING BAD!!!! I open my eyes to realize I have no clue where I am! I sit up on the couch I was on and look around, it looks just like any average living room, except for the clothes randomly laying on the table.

"Oh, you finally woke up, you should probably get cleaned up in the bathroom before you get sick considering your soaking wet from being out in the rain for how long. I gotta figure out how to clean my couch you got all wet!!!" This random guy, slightly smaller than me, with H/C hair, S/C skin, and E/C eyes. What is this guy on? I am a famous freaking serial killer and he is worried about his couch being wet and me getting cleaned up!?!? Wait a second....when the heck did he grab a broomstick? And why in the name of slenderman does he have a container of freaking BUTTER!?!?! OH SHIT HE JUST THREW IT AT ME!?!?!

"Stop just spacing out and go get a shower! Just tell me when your done and I'll rebandage your wounds or I'll force you to get one myself!" Oh fuck this guy is serious about the broom thing?! I grab the clothes next to me, and stand up sprinting out the living room, not even the slightest idea where this crazy bastards bathroom is until I hear him scream and I think throw the broomstick at something, "DOWN THE HALL SECOND DOOR ON THE LEFT!"

Does he think I know where the hell that is?! "LIKE THE FUCK I KNOW WHERE THAT IS!" Oh shit...I said that out loud. "IT'S THE ONLY WHITE DOOR IN MY HOUSE FUCK TARD!"

Oh...It's right infront of my beautiful face. I step into the bathroom and close and lock the door. Not because I am concerned that he would bust through the door with another container of butter. I am Jeff the FREAKING Killer! I am not scared of some random human and butter! I'm not, so I set the clothes down on the stand in the bathroom, towels already there and the stuff for the shower so I just turn it on to the right temperature, get undress, and unbandage the gash on my stomach that i think he bandaged, and get in.


Stupid jerk made me get butter all over the floor!!! Do I look like a house-maid?! He has the audacity to ruin my house after I practically saved his life! So i do the normal thing, realizing I didn't tell him where the bathroom was, and throw my broom and shout, "DOWN THE HALL SECOND DOOR ON THE LEFT!"

"LIKE THE FUCK I KNOW WHERE THAT IS!" This guy....IS STUPID!?! I am practically pulling my hair off my head at his stupidity!

"IT'S THE ONLY WHITE DOOR IN MY HOUSE FUCK TARD!" Ha! That shut him up, so I finally get to sit down, watch some anime, and eat all these brownies I made before, so he can't get any for destroying my house!

The One That Didn't Run Away(Jeff x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now