How did it all come to this?

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M/N's POV:

Again with the darkness, it's all I can see. I don't know what he did, where I am, or, well, really ANYTHING! But I am positive that he put a blindfold on me, I am on a bed, not mine, but it is a bed. I wanna say a rope? It's not a chain that's for sure. Maybe a really thick, sturdy ribbon, is holding my wrists to the bed, I DON'T KNOW!

I let out a groan, I gave up trying to get these ribbons off me awhile ago it failed horribly, what I do want to know is where Jeff is, and how long I have been out of it. Almost, as if on cue, I hear a door open to my right.

"Oh! You're awake my love!" I hear the all to familiar voice say as he gets closer to me. I can feel his weight on the bed as he touches my cheek with his palm. The sent of blood filling my senses, almost making me gag.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was? You've been asleep for days. How are you feeling?" Seriously? You have got to be kidding me! This crazy bastard kidnaps me, knocks me out with who knows what, and still has the nerve to ask me how I am feeling! I turn my head away from his hand, I can practically feel the murder intent radiating from him. Good, I don't want to talk to him, so he can just suck it up!

"M/ not be stubborn, I know you must be upset about what happened, but you have to understand I did it for us, for you, me, for our love." I can feel his masculine arms wrap around my waist as he says that. But why don't I feel disgusted? He kidnapped me, and took me away from my home to God knows where! But...for some reason I don't feel revolted. I push the thought away as I continue to avoid looking in the direction I believe he is in. Well, I know he is in. I can feel his warm breath on my neck.

"M/N~ don't be upset with me~ I only did it for our own good. If you hadn't pushed me away like that this never would've happened. Just imagine how I felt when you left me like that. You closed the door in my face, hid away from me. It drove me insane!" Bitch, you were already insane, that ain't my fault! I hold back a groan at his words

"Where am I?" Is all I say. No more. No less.

"My place of course, I would've brought you to the place I tend to stay at, but I wouldn't want my friends hurting you. Just like how I would've used chains to hold you down, but I didn't want to take the chance of hurting your precious skin! Your so fragile my love, it's adorable!" What.the.FUCK IS THIS GUY ON!

"Dude! What the hell! Is this how you pay back every guy who saves your life?!" I am being dead serious! We met not even, I don't know anymore, a month ago? And he acts like the next obsessed lunatic to pop on the news!

"No. Only you, and no one else, if it were someone else in my arms right now they would be dead~!" Holy, unholy hell! I can literally imagine the creepy, fucked up, sadistic smile on his face as he says that! Wait....what is he doing. He removes my blindfold, allowing me to see the, pretty average room I am in, and how close he's been to me this whole time. He sets the fabric on a stand to my right and moves back slightly on the bed, his arms now around my waist again, but this time he rest his head on my lap. He's pretty much cuddling me, and I'd be lying my ass off if I said I wanted him to stop.

"I love you....M/N." He says with a slight drowsy tone in his voice. Then it hits me. He still has blood on his hoodie. I don't respond. I resist the urge to shove him off me and yell at him to change his clothes before doing crap like this. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! That's all I have to say.

"You know it would mean a lot to me if you said it back love~." I look down at him, my E/C eyes meeting his gorgeous bright blue eyes. That's it. I move my legs and kick him off me, and off the bed, earning a yelp from Jeff.

"If you want to FUCKING CUDDLE, ATLEAST MAKE SURE YOU DON'T REEK OF DEATH YOU ASSHOLE!" Seriously! Who the hell does that!

"FINE! FUCK YOU!" Jeff says as he flicks me off, goes to a dresser in the corner to the far left of me, literally removes his dried blood covered hoodie, my face flushes. He did it intentionally. I fucking know it, he is smirking like the Cheshire Cat himself! This jerk! He grabs some clothes, I don't know what kind, I can't look at this asshole right now. He goes to the door right of the dresser, I believe it's the bathroom, I can hear him turn on the shower. "I LOVE YOU!"

"SERIOUSLY YOU ASSHOLE! FUCK YOU!" I am seriously loosing brain cells.

"I'D FUCK YOU!" I freeze. My face turning beet red, I bet he knows it to! Curse him. Honestly, I should be resenting him. He ruined my, well, boring life, but still! I can't. I....I fucking love this asshole. Not that I'd say that to him. I won't until he realizes how fucked up this is.

If he can't give me my freedom, I won't give him my love.

Soooooo sorry this took so long to update, well I think it's been about a week, STILL, I wanted to get it out sooner, and I apologize to my dear friend who LITERALLY attempted to ignore me for what I did last chapter, don't regret, the words just flowed out of my fingers it needed to be done! NO REGRETS! But anyway I plan to update again this weekend, if not then really soon!

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