Chapter Two: Admiral's Decision

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"She's a female?"

The Admiral looks up from the paperwork that I filled out on the sorcerer.

"I couldn't determine her exact age, but I would say around 3000 years old."

Admiral raises an eyebrow and sets aside the paperwork.

"You think we need this individual?"

I narrow my eyes on confusion. Marcus's aim was supposed to be eliminating the whole species so that he could take over the planet. Why leave any person that could just leak any kind of information about this?

"She might be a threat."

I answer. Marcus makes a straight line with his mouth and rolls his eyes.

"Son, think more positively. This creature knows nothing about what happened, and as long as no one tells her anything, she wouldn't know forever!"

The man sits deeply into his chair and lifts his legs up onto the desk. After a long tired sigh, he begins again.

"We both know what those sorcerers are capable of. Use her, and my war would be much more easier."

He smiles delightfully, probably satisfied with the idea that he came up.

"Take care of her, and make sure you don't plant any ideas on her brain. And if that ever happens, more of your 'family' is going to die painfully."

The insides of my clenched fists heat up and I silently walk away from the man, making sure to keep myself calm enough for him to not notice until the door behind me shuts.


"Good morning sweetheart."

While I was lost between the point of being awake and being asleep, a clear voice of a man snaps me out. I notice that he has a different accent compared to the man who sedated me......


"Now hon, why are you looking so scared? There's is absolutely nothing that would harm you in anyway here!"

The man smile brightly above me, and looks down, towards my arms on my side.

"We don't need that at all, do we?"

He reaches down and I hear metal clinking sounds.

"There you go darling."

He reaches out his hand and gestures me to take it. I hesitate, but in a kind of situation where a kind looking man is looking down at you with such enthusiasm, it's hard to decide not to. He helps me sit up, and I look around at my surroundings to find that I was e circled by people with white clothes on, some scurrying around with penicillins or panels in their hands, and some watching me while taking notes.

No word have gotten out of my mouth yet. All I could make out are awkward throat sounds. At that, the middle-aged man standing in front of me laughs.

"Come on kid! If you have something to say then spit it out!"

The man's bright tone make me relax a little and I take in a deep inhale of air.

"Where am I?"

"You," the man answers,
"are at Earth. As Admiral of StarFleet, it was my responsibility to rescue you from the virus that was spreading in your homeland. Kid, I'm sorry to tell you this,'re the only one left."

I let out a little 'oh'. My race did not leave their planet for all their lives, for it was an ancient rule that was passed on in our specie. At a corner of my mind, I realize that I was breaking that rule, but what kicked me into a deep abyss of sorrow was the fact that I was the only one of my specie left.

"Alright now kid. I'm going to explain you some things tomorrow, but for now, I'm going to introduce you to the person who'll take you to your new home. He'll also take extra good care of you."

He taps me warmly on the back and looks towards to his right.

"This is John Harrison."


"What the hell do you mean she just pinched thin air and the door flew open?"

"That is what I saw."

It is, to be honest, hard for me to comprehend. Out of all the years I've spent gathering information about the galaxy, I've never seen anything like it.

"Then it's the magic she's using, it's the only answer there is."

Marcus sighs and stands up from his chair.

"Keep an eye on her. Makes sure we're the good guys to her. I don't want to mess with any magic when we're so busy trying to build a new ship."

I nod and walk away, only thinking about the bed that would ease my over spent body.

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