You are the dark lord. The all mighty lord of the dark forces, you corrupted thousends of worlds and races across the universe. After a long war against the hero of light, you got weakend. Your fellow serveants took you to a new place to regain your...
3 days have passed since that girl came to my fortress. What was once the so called city of "Sumire" was now a fortress filled with goblins and undead, wooden structures all around the place, fitting for the little green people.
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Goblin sure work fast when powered up by my magic...
All the undead troops were on guard towers, patrolling the city or the outsides. Unlike goblins, they do not breath, eat, drink or sleep. Perfect guards.
The goblins were using the humans like sheep, quite literally since they are all inside cells made out of rock and wood. They are feed, but very poorly.
Outside of the big goblin city, on the rear, the Dark elfs are starting to make a city of their own, using the trees as cover and the goblins as their wall. I putted the cerberus around the elfs to keep them safe. The vampires will stay on the Dawn, for now.
I was on top of a watchtower, along with Shalthear, reading a book. The book of the Succubis. These whores are good for infiltration missions. I need spies.
Shalthear:"Master, may I ask you something?"
Y/N:"Yes, dear?"
After her work on the last mision, almost getting killed by that woman just to complete the task I gave her, I made sure I was treating her better, as a reward.
Shalthear smiled after hearing "dear", but continued nonetheless.
Shalthear:"How are you recovering your strength so quickly?"
Y/N:"Do not underestimate me, dear. I may be weakened, but I have my ways of getting better."
Shalthear:"Of course, master."
Hmm... in order to create a succubi out of thin air, I need a soul filled with lust, and a human or elf body...
Y/N:"Shalthear, dear, are the dark elfs rangers ready to kidnap people?"
Shalthear:"Yes, my lord."
Y/N:"Tell them to get me a human filled with lust, and many woman. If possible, skilled in combat."
Shalthear used part of her magic to order some of her 'Blades of Night' a group of dark elfs expert on assassinations, kidnapping, sabotage and inflitration missions.
Shalthear:"Sir... why... lust?"
I sense frustation in her.
Y/N:"Is there something wrong, Shalthear?"
Shalthear:"You... don't need a whore to satisfy your needs, my lord. I-I could-"
Y/N:"Don't get it wrong, Shalthear. I'm not trying to get laid, I'm getting the Succubi back to our troops."
Shalthear:"O-Oh! I'm so sorry master. So foolish..."