Chapter 3

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"Error...Error please come here....I know you really need me....You want  me.... I will be your love and only..." Said Ink with echoed voice and then proceeded to hold Error's cheek bone.

Error on the other hand couldn't take his eyes away from Ink who was calling for him, he already imagined a lot of things that can and will happen in the future

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Error on the other hand couldn't take his eyes away from Ink who was calling for him, he already imagined a lot of things that can and will happen in the future. Error wanted to say something but everything became crushing and all of the sudden he woke up, Error wasn't really pleased to wake up from great dream but at least real Ink is near.

The night time has passed. Its a brand new day and Ink was still asleep in his bed, Error decided to surprise his quest with a nice breakfast.

With his ability to open the portals to alternate universes, Error sneak into someone's house and took away a plate with pancakes, chocolate syrup and a little juice box.

Error then putted the plate with breakfast next to Ink's bed and waited for his Inky to wake up.
Ink slowly started to open the eyes and to his surprise he saw his friend Error sitting beside him with pancakes covered with chocolate.

Error: "G00d M0rning Inky, I pr£p@r£d $0m£ p@ncak£s f0r y0u"
Ink: "O my... thank you so much for the breakfast Error, you really didn't have to do that for me"
Error: "It's just @ littl£ w@y f0r m£ t0 say that I©@®£ @bout y0u'
Ink with a little bit blush: "Thanks a lot, you know it will be really rude to eat entire breakfast all by myself, why don't you eat this breakfast with me"
Error: "W-with ¥-y0u? $ur£ thing Ink¥, ¥0u @r£ t00 nic£"

After like 15 minutes, Ink and Error had finished entirely with the pancakes and juice. Ink still had some chocolate on his face, before he could wipe his face, Error offered some of his help and licked that chocolate away. Ink felt his cheeks glow from a little bit of the embarrassment.

Ink: "I could of wipe it away Error"
Error: "S0rr¥ Ink¥, I sh0uld 0f th0ugh @b0ut it"
Ink: "That's okay, just next time please  don't repeat that"
Error: "S-sur£..."
Ink: "O! Error that reminds me, are you ready to meet some new friends that you are going to see in Multi-crossover"
Error: "I'm... R£@ll¥ £xcit£d, but Ink¥"
Ink: "What?"
Error: "Will you stay on my side no matter what?"
Ink: "Well, I think maybe I will, I know you don't have many friends so I would be glad to help with that situation"
Error: "Th@nk ¥0u Ink¥"
Before they went to the Multi-crossover, Ink asked Error if he wants to draw with him. Error was not really a big fan of making drawings but he did enjoy making dolls and puppets, so Ink said that he can draw something for him and he can make one of his puppets if he wants to.

After some while, Ink created a drawing of himself and Error together and wrote down "Best buddies", Error on the other hand made a doll of  himself and Ink.

Ink: " Hey Error, look what I drew for you"
Ink gives out a drawing to Error and waits for his reaction.
Error: "W0w Ink¥, ¥0u @r£ th£ gr£@t£st @rtist th@t I £v£r s££n. It's s0 b£autiful and ©0l0rful"
Ink: "You really think so? "
Error: "0f c0urs£, I will b£ gl@d t0 k££p this dr@wing with m£"
Ink: "Thank you Error"

Error: "B¥ th£ w@¥ Ink¥, I m@d£ this d0ll just f0r y0u"
Error gives a doll that looks just like him.
Ink: "O my creator! Error, your dolls are absolutely gorgeous! Hehe, he's just a little copy of you"
Error: "R£@ll¥? I th0ught th@t m¥ d0lls @r£ n0t s0 g00d"
Ink: "Nonsense! It's amazing! Who on entire AUs would think it bad?"
Error: "£mm..."
Ink: "O.... Don't believe the word those characters say, you are creating absolutely gorgeous dolls and you are a great friend"
Error blushing: "T-th@nk$ Ink¥"
Ink: "Any time Error"

Ink went to check the time.
Ink: "It's almost time, let's get going"
Error: "All0w m£ t0 0p£n th£ p0rt@l"
Into this second appeared a portal with a bit of glitch on it. Ink thanked Error and they both proceeded to go into the portal and wait for the Ink's friends to come.

After like five minutes, Ink from the far saw Blue, Dream and Outer coming. He asked Error to quickly hide so he could make a surprise.

Ink: "Guys! You're here!"
Dream: "Hey Ink"
Blue: "Mhehe greetings Ink"
Outer: "Hello Ink"
Ink: "I'm so glad to agreed to come here"
Dream: "Of course, we always glad to meet some new friends"
Blue : "For sure! That would make up for the breakfast that magicly vanished"
Outer: "So Ink, where is that mysterious friend of yours, we want to meet him already"
Ink: " Hehe, he's right here. Please come out of the hiding spot Error!"
Error showed himself up.
Outer, Dream and Blue : "YOU?!"

Dan Dan DAAANN, what is going to happen now? Looks like Error already knows those 'friends'.

My beloved Inky~ [ Yandere Error x Ink] Story Where stories live. Discover now