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[Name] Dupain-Cheng was the calmer, more quieter of the two, whereas Marinette seems to make friends with almost everyone she met

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[Name] Dupain-Cheng was the calmer, more quieter of the two, whereas Marinette seems to make friends with almost everyone she met. Not only that but Marinette seemed to be great at everything, [Name] was green with envy. She wished she cool be as good as her sister but not everyone can get what they want right?

It was like any other day, [Name] would wake up and get ready for school, of course Marinette was still asleep in her room. After [Name] got ready she walked up the stairs to her twin's room "yo, Marin get up" she shook the sleeping girl multiple times but she didn't wake up.

[Name] let out a groan and walked to the bedroom door (trapdoor?? Floor door??) "if you're late for school that's your problem not mine" she stated before leaving.

"Bye mum" [Name] kissed her mothers cheek and went out the door after grabbing her bag "have fun at school dear" her mother called from behind. [Name] went down to the bakery and took a freshly cook bagel "thanks, bye dad" she said as she walked out of the door to the crossing.

[Name] walked through the big green doors that lead to her school. She looked around and spotted her best friend, Luka Couffaine sitting on the stairs. With a smile she walked over and greeted him "Morning Luka" the boy looked up at her and gave a soft smile "morning [Name]" butterflies exploded in her stomach at the sound of her name rolling off his tongue.

Before [Name] could start a conversation she noticed that his eyes were trained near the entrance of the school, [Name] turned around and noticed that Marinette had arrived.

"You should talk to her you know, get to know her more" [Name] suggested to Luka who looked back at her with a small blush "you won't get very far if you keep admiring her from far away like you are now" she continued, Luka let out a soft sigh "when the timing is right [Name]."

Luka got up and started walking to their classroom with [Name] trailing from behind "you wanna come over tonight? I've been working on a new song" Luka asked, [Name] hummed and nodded "sure."

The two sat beside each other in their usual seats, it was only them currently since it was still early. [Name] had taken out her tablet to finish off some homework, Luka leaned on the table and watched her "say [Name], do you have anyone you like?" He suddenly blurted out, [Name]'s face tinted pink "n-no" she stuttered, Luka let out a small chuckle at her stuttering.

"You can tell me [Name], we're best friends after all" best friends? That's was an arrow straight through her heart, she just got friend zoned. [Name] pondered for a moment before nodding "there is someone I like" Luka let out a small gasp "really? Can I know who?" He asked excitedly, [Name] looked over at him and gave a closed eye smile it's you, "that's for me to know and you to find out" Luka thought for a moment and nodded "I'll find it out then."

The bell rang indicating that school had started, students began piling in one by one before the teacher came in.

"Alright class settle down, I'm going to mark the roll now" the teacher announced before calling out the names of the students.

* * *

During [Name]'s free period she went to the library to study, she spent most her free time studying if she wasn't helping out at home or hanging out with Luka.

The girl sat down in a quiet corner of the library and took out her books, [Name] put on her headphones and played her music.

Because of the music she failed to notice someone take a seat next to her, when her headphones were removed from her ears she looked over at who had done it.

Luka sat there with a grin "I knew I'd find you here" he whispered quietly "let go, it's time for our last class" he picked up [Name]'s books and walked out the doors.

On the way out Luka suddenly came to a stop causing [Name] to hit his back "the heck" she said as she peered over his shoulder "she looks very pretty" he mumbled, [Name] looked over and saw Marinette laughing with her friends, her heart dropped. "I guess... let's get to class" [Name] took her books from Luka and walked to her next class.

After school [Name] packed her stuff and waited for Luka to finish packing his.

The two of them exited the school, walking down the stairs towards the crossing when suddenly a gigantic foot stomped down barely missing them. Luka with his fast reflexes pulled [Name] into his arms as he jumped back.

When he looked down at [Name] she had her hands clutched onto her heart "I thought I was going to die" she breathed out. She looked up at Luka before quickly pushing herself off with a cough "Ladybug and Chat Noir should be able to handle that, should we get going?" [Name] asked.

Luka stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders "[Name] are you ok? You seemed shocked before" he had a worried look on his face "I'm fine Luka, let's go" she stated before she started walking towards his home (boat? Ship? Idk).

[Name] greeted Luka's mother when they arrived, she gave [Name] a big hug before letting her go and admiring her. "Ye seem to be growing up beautifully my lovely" she said, [Name] blushed a bit and thanked her before following Luka to his room.

"My mum seems to like you" Luka smiled at [Name], [Name] laughed and sat on his bed "let's hear that song."


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