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No, no, no, NO! THIS WON'T DO!!!
MY DARLING BABYGIRL'S HAIR IS NOT SOME ROPE YOU TUG! BRUSH HER HAIR MORE GENTLY! Yelled a grown woman at one of the maids who was catering her daughter. WE HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT ACQUAINTANCE COMING HERE AT OUR HOME LATER THIS POST MERIDIAN! Yelled the woman once again making her maids shake in fear.


Mother it's fine they weren't tugging my hair so harshly. I said as I gave her a small warm smile reassuring her that everything was fine. If you say so, she said. Your majesty you don't need to do that for me, I was brushing your hair a little harshly, said my maid who still looked frightened by my mother's words, of course who wouldn't be afraid of both of my parents, they were the one of the most powerful royal families out there, I thought to myself as my maid proceeds to brush my hair once again as I see my mother walk out of my bedroom.


I look at the large window from my living room looking nervously out there, then I heard my husband say: Why so nervous my flower? I began to say our daughter has rejected 15 princes and what if this one does not work out, she barely socializes and talk to people, girls her age like to talk a lot plus she barely speaks to us and her maids and butlers. Do you think this will work out? I said worryingly and my husband reasures me by saying it will work out well sooner or later my flower, he says and I relaxed.


I thanked my maids for catering my hair and headed straight for the archive room to pass the time,the archive is my favorite place its very peaceful but the garden is more peaceful, I said to myself as I reach for a book on the shelf and sat on a chair and set my books on the table and began to read.

I eventually read all the books that i had set on the table and began searching for a new book to read but that book was too high up and I began searching for a ladder, eventually I found one with the help of my butler Cole, I thanked him for helping me find a ladder to reach for my book i began to climb the ladder and reach out the book, but it was barely on my fingertips, after many I attempted to reach for that book I finally got it but,

The ladder began to fall backwards
and I was in a very high level and i began to fall and soon enough I blacked out and could hear the muffled voice of my butler calling for help and calling my name.



Ugh who is this woman and why is she in some sort of room….. wait is that my room?
Wait, who are those people with me? Are they acquaintances of mine?
Wait why am I running in a hurry to go somewhere, and why do I look so tired it's like I haven't slept for a while, WAIT WHY IS SHE CROSSING THE ROAD ON A RED LIGHT! WAIT HOW DO I KNOW WHAT A RED LIGHT IS


(First chapter done, whoa I'm starting to get used to writing I'll practice more so I can produce good quality stories :D)

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