Chapter 1: A Little Bee Boy

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13 years later

Ranboo's P.O.V

Thirteen years have passed since the bombing of the end. I began my life in the overworld. I still get some haunting memories of what happened.

I got to know Tommy's family a little better. Wilber gotten nicer around me so I guess that's good. I got to meet almost all of Tommy's friends. He says almost because there is still one more.

When I hit 17 Phil and Kristen helped me looked for a house. The house we found wasn't too big or too small. It reminded me of the fortress I stayed in at the end. And now here I am sitting at my dinning room filling out a collage sign up when I got a call.

"Hello?" I said into the phone without seeing who the caller was.

"Hey buddy." I heard Tommy say. "I was wondering since you live by yourself is it alright if I come over? I need a little help filling this thing out."

"Classic Tommy." I said.

Then I heard giggling. I didn't recognize the voice though.

"Got a friend over?" I asked.

"Ya, sorry 'bout that Ran." Tommy replied.

"It's alright, he can come over as well if he likes." I said in a polite voice.

"I'll ask him." Tommy was no longer speaking to me but I could still hear the conversation so I gues he was on speaker.

"Hey wanna head over to Ranboo's place? He's the one friend you haven't meet yet." Tommy said to the guy.

"Sure, what could go wrong." He replied.

"He said yes." Tommy said directing his attention back to me.

"I know, your on speaker." I replied.

The little giggle that the other person had turned into a burst of laughter.

"Tubbo that's not funny!" Tommy yelled.

This time I was the one snickering.

"Oh come on Ranboo, not you to!" Tommy complained.

"Sorry." I returned through my giggles.

"So what time do you want us to show up?" Tommy asked once both me and his friend stopped laughing.

"What ever works best for you." I replied.

"K man, see you in 5." Tommy said before hanging up.

I put down my phone and finished up what I had left before Tommy came bursting through the door.

"Hey Ranboo you here!" Tommy yelled across my house.

My hand went up to my head. He could at least come in quietly.

"I'm in the dining room." I called out. "Is your friend for or against?"

"For." Tommy yelled back.

Good I don't need to wear my disguise in front of him. I turned around thinking that Tommy would be the first one to enter but it wasn't.

The boy standing in the doorway had brown hair and ocean blue eyes. But what really stood out to me was the fact that he had wings.

"Where's Tommy?" I asked the boy.

"Probably got lost, I don't know." He said shrugged his shoulders.

He looked shorted than Tommy. He came and sat down next to me.

"So I'm Tubbo but you probably heard Tommy say that and your ... Ranboo correct?" Tubbo said.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"To be honest your kinda cute." Tubbo remarked

It took me a minute to process what he just said.

"H-hang on a second ... we just meet and your already flirting with me?" I stuttered.

Tubbo giggled a little. I guess that was the initial reaction he was looking for.

"And I'm outta here." Tommy said from the doorway.

"Hang on your just gonna leave me here?" I yelled after him.

"Yup." Tommy said from the front door.

"Fine but if you walk out that door Tommy, your going to be a chicken." I said with a small smirk on my face.

There was silent for a little bit then loud running. Let me clarify, Tommy doesn't like being called a chicken. He ran at me full speed.

Once at the door I waited till he was about three inches away from ripping my throat out and teleported across the room. This is my initial way for getting away from angry Tommy.

He must have two left feet because he tripped over himself and fell face first into the floor. Tubbo burst into laughter and I teleported back chuckling a little.

I picked Tommy up and placed him back on his feet. He growled a little and sat down to Tubbo's left. He got a little antsy.

"Hey where is the bathroom?" Tubbo asked.

I pointed to the hall on the left.

"Down that hallway first door to your right." I said.

"Thanks." He returned.

Tubbo's P.O.V

I followed the directions he gave and found the bathroom. I knelt down by the sink and things started to explode in my mind.

'He's an enderman!' I thought to myself. 'I thought they went extinct, how is he alive?'

"Hey Tubbo, you okay in there?" I heard a voice say.

It was Ranboo.

"Y-ya I'm okay." I said as I flushed the toilet for effect.

"Okay I'm just checking on up you." He replied.

I walked out of the bathroom just as my phone started ringing.

"Hello." I said picking it up.

"Hey Tubbo." It was my dad. "You need to come home right away." He said.

"Why? What's the emergency?" I asked.

"Nothing to big I just thought that it would happen tomorrow." He answered.

"Alright I'll come home." I said into the receiver.

"Okay, see you in a bit." He said then hanged up.

"Who was that?" Ranboo asked.

"My dad. He wants me to come home." I said while sighing.

I'm kinda upset that I don't get to see the cutie anymore than I already have.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked.

I looked at the options for a while then replied.

"Sure, good time to get to know each other." I said.

"I didn't look at it like that." He said as he motioned me to follow him to his car.

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