Chapter 7

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Incest and Rape warning

You were on the phone, face-timing some of your friends that including, Miro and Tamaki, you were teasing Tamaki talking about the fact he had not come into school just cause he didn't want to do a presentation.

"Amajiki-Kun, it'd be nice if you did it again, school was so calm when we didn't need to worry about offending you." You laughed.

" L/n that's not true." Mirio defended.

"He knows I'm kidding right Tama-," You listened as the jingle of keys went on downstairs, you went on to put yourself on mute and turning off your camera, you stayed on the call, letting the chatter stay in the background so he knew you were busy.

"Y/n, honey!" He yelled as he made his way up the stairs swiftly, you panicked slightly. Cutting your phone completely in case he would have a go at you for being on it.

He opened the door to your room, you had replaced your phone with a book, staring at it with intense concentration and completely ignoring him.

"Come give me a hug." He announced cheerfully.

You didn't want to look up at him, the dreadful feeling of making a run for it rising in your stomach, you felt like vomiting.

Noticing your dismissive behaviour the man before you, proceeded to forcefully lift you and pull you into a hug, you didn't reciprocate, instead staring at your wall in a dismissive manner.

He leaned down, smelling your hair taking deep breathes as if it were oxygen itself, he seemed dissatisfied, taking your late mother's perfume on spraying it on you.

His hands combed through your hair, it was meant to be soothing but you felt like crying, cursing at yourself for feeling something other than happiness,

It was only when he had his dirty fingers rubbing over the ends of your hair, did you remember something, you had cut your hair.

"What have you done to your lovely hair?"

Your eyes went wide, your heart almost felt like it would stop with the way it was pumping too much for your body to handle, what would he do, why did you even do it, ahh yes peer pressure.


It was as if the world was plotting against you as your phone went off, someone calling you, your father looked at your desk, looking a the caller ID.

"Mirio, that's that muscular boy from before." His tone became sinister, but a sickly smile played on his face, "you hang out with him a lot don't you?"

You felt your soul leave your body, why did he have to call you back, why didn't you put your phone on silent.

"He's one of my friends at school." You whispered although he wasn't convinced.

"Are you even pure anymore?!" He yelled you hated it when people yelled, it would scare you enough to have you in tears, but you wouldn't dare cry in front of him for yelling at you.

He had a tight grip on your upper arms, pulling you closer to him, and bending his knees slightly to face you better. "Are you even my baby girl anymore?" He whispered a crazed look in his eyes you couldn't even face him, shaking in his hold.

"Answer me!" Your lips trembled you looked for the right words finding the courage to speak up.

"I am," You whimpered hoping that answer was enough to make him leave you alone.

It wasn't.

"Just like your mother wasted beauty,"

Pushing you onto your bed and pushing his weight onto you so you wouldn't be able to move he began to fiddle with your clothing. It's not like you were going to move, you were too scared too, he had beaten you multiple times before for running off.

He undressed himself pulling out his erection and pushing into you, it always hurt, it wasn't something you just couldn't get used to, even when the girls at school spoke of books they'd read that said sex was meant to feel amazing, you didn't believe them.

You had had sex unlike them who would fantasize about it, sex isn't meant to feel good for women, your father would say as he abused you.

All it did was cause pain to the body, and empty your soul.

Tears pricked at your eyes, you pitied yourself, you even felt pain for your female friends who wanted to experience this in the future.

"Can you stop please?" You sobbed, if you could talk him out of it, it would be better for you, you could just go back to your friends you wanted to joke with them. You wished you had that false fantasy of how sex would be.

Your question resulted in a slap on your face, this kept going on just for you to keep sobbing, "Your mother would also react like this whenever we made love." He added.

You hated it, his excuse would be that I reminded him of my mum and loved me like her. It was only when you were taken away from him did you realise how wrong that was.

He was insane, he couldn't blame drugs or alcohol cause he would refuse to consume any, trying to put the soul of his deceased wife into the body of his daughter.

"It's almost like you don't love your own father, don't you think that's weird?" He said, finishing inside you, you felt disgusting having his junk inside you, the thing was you couldn't get pregnant that's why he was no careless, you had an implant.

Getting questioned tested your patience. All their questions were annoying, to them you were a virgin who was just getting this in case something happens at the moment.

When really you were a victim of abuse who needed to make sure there wasn't any visible proof of assault.

"I worry about you a lot y/n, I cant have these boys trying to steal my baby."

You woke up in a cold sweat, your eyes sticky from tears flowing but being restricted by your closed lids.

You dashed your ensuite, climbing inside the shower not even waiting for the water to heat up. You stared at the wall, that line always played in your head, maybe it was your rebellious self that made you affectionate to everyone.

Maybe you wanted it that's why you acted the way you did, that disgusted you even more, no longer able to keep yourself up you sat on the floor of the shower, you kept sobbing terrible memories playing in your head as you felt sick and dirty once again.

It could be possible that you felt the only type of affection that exists was physical since it was the only one your dad would give you.

At least you knew women could feel good from having sex, you had finally had enjoyed sex and you wanted to do it again, but felt disgusted by the thought.

That fuckers could be walking around Japan for all you knew, you could see him on the street tomorrow and all your hard work of building confidence would be a waste.

You just couldn't handle those of the past.

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