chapter 6

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"Maya? Is that you?" This isn't true. This CAN'T possibly be true. "Riley. Hi!"

"Charlie Gardner?" Riley answered first. Maya was too stunned to speak. "Living and in all beauty." The boy gestured toward his body with his hands. He grew handsome over the years. They hadn't seen each other since freshman year. He switched schools back then since his family had to move away, because of his father's career.

"You grew gorgeous, Maya." He said the sentence. But only one man was allowed to use that sentence, Josh. This didn't sit right with Maya, but she tried to ignore it. "You too, are a handsome boy." She smiled at her ex-classmate.

"Want to go for a ride with us?" Riley invited Charlie as they waited for the chairlift to come up the slope. "Uhm, yeah of course, if you don't mind." He replied with a smile.

"Tell us, how's life? How's everything?" Maya asked once they were sitting on the cable car. "Which kind of? Career? Study? Hobbies? I got it all," he threw his hands. "How about love life?" Riley decided. "Well, yeah... Except for that one." He laughed desperately. "So tell us about the other ones, it doesn't matter... we just want to know how are you... there's a lot to catch up on."

"Hey you're right, but then you'll tell me too." Charlie winked.

They'd been sticking by each other all day. They talked, competed with each other, and found out they were staying at the same hotel. They enjoyed themselves. In between time, they also met the others at the restaurant and had lunch. Charlie was there with two of his friends, but he announced to those friends that he would not be having lunch with them today. He rather stayed with his old teacher's family.

"Dad, do you remember Charlie Gardner?" "Hello, Mr. Matthews." Said boy greeted. "It's nice to see you Charlie." His former teacher greeted him back. They had lunch, chatted, and then went skiing again.

This time Maya, Riley, and Charlie were joined by his friends. "Alex," a boy with light brown hair introduced himself. "I'm Riley," Maya's friend smiled at the boys. Just like she does at everyone else.

"George," the guy with raven black hair winked at Riley. "She's basically Mrs. Huckleberry. So back off." Maya folded her arms across her chest. The boy grinned at her. "And how about you?" Maya got a little bit shocked. "Well, I'm uh- I'm fine."

Little flirt won't hurt anybody.

"Fine by me then," the boy winked at Maya. "Come on guys, we'll never again slide down with this speed." So they all took their skis and lined up. When they were about to get on, they clicked their skis and then went to sit down.

But there were only 4 seats on the chairlift. Riles joined the German couple behind them and Maya and the boys sat on this bench.

"Don't you dare leave me here with them!" Maya threatened. "You are going to handle them better than I would," Riles yelled back at her with a laugh.

Riley really didn't want to stay with the three boys on the cable car. That was Maya's thing, being the cool friend, and Riley didn't want to get in the way of that. Especially now that she had a boyfriend. So she'd rather join those nice Germans behind her.

"What's your name, Gorgeous?" George turned around. Sitting next to him was Alex and next to Maya, on the other side, was Charlie. "You're calling me Gorgeous without even knowing my name? Brave boy." She laughed sarcastically. "Well I have no choice, but to call you a nickname because you don't seem to be wanting to tell me your name." He grinned.

"Help me out Adorable," Maya buried her head in Charlie's shoulder. He smiled at the old nickname.

"If you don't tell me, I will remain to call you Gorgeous."

No one except him can do that. But him, wasn't this guy.

"Clutterbucket," she winks. "You just made that up," he faked offense. "Penelope," she held out her hand to him in greeting. "George. McGoy George." He shook her hand with the raven-haired boy. "And you just made this one up." Maya chuckled.

"How do you know Charlie, by the way?" Xander echoed exceptionally. "I was their classmate." The boy giggled. Good old Charlie.

As the day went on, Maya and George spent always more and more time together. She was laughing at everything he said, and he always had his eyes pinned on her. When Charlie warned Riley about this, she didn't like it. George was simply flirting on every occasion. Maya did notice it, but until he didn't take it on the uncomfortable side, she was kind of up to it.

The next day, they only met the guys for breakfast.

"Hey, we're going on a trip today, but how about a little party later? Come around 10 to our room." George put his arm around Maya's shoulders. The others had already gone to their rooms to get dressed after breakfast, so the coast was clear. Well, except for Josh, who was hiding in the corner, watching a group of high school kids.

"Room number 203," Xander clarified. "Please, come. It will be fun, I promise." Charlie spoke up now, aiming mostly at Riley, who wasn't so keen on the idea.


Maya and Riley slipped out of their room without being noticed. They had to go through the front desk to the upper floor, and everything was going smoothly until...

"Where do you think you're going?" Josh looked at the two of them with a surprise on his face. "Have fun? With our friends," Riley answered. "Then I'm going too." Josh stood up.

"Why are you even here?" Maya asked. "Couldn't sleep."

"Are you going too?" Josh turned to Lorry. "No, I'm working. Have fun." She said with a serious face as she walked to the receptionist counter and sat behind it.

"See you later," Josh said his goodbyes before heading up the stairs to meet his niece and her best friend. He wasn't quite up on his feet yet, but if he was leaning on something, he was able to walk.

They reached room 203 and knocked. "Welcome-" Xander stuttered mid-sentence. "Hi, besties!" Josh said louder. "Who's that?" George asked. "I'm her boyfriend." He put his arm around Maya's shoulders.

"No, you're not." She laughed, dropping his hand from her. She would have never thought she'd be the one 'rejecting'.

"You invited Uncle Josh! That's great. What a family bonding." "Well, he kinda invited himself." Riley rolled her eyes. 

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