In 3, 2, 1!

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It's finally coming. The launch of Jenny's Heart is this February 22, 2022 EST!

I cannot tell you how excited I am. Less than two days to the release, and I'm grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I probably look much worse though due to lack of sleep because I'm so excited! Literally, it's like Christmas from my childhood all over again.

And to make it even more thrilling, will you join me in my own countdown to the launch? There's a countdown timer on my blog that will stop when the book is officially available on Amazon. The moment the countdown ends at 00:00:00 on February 22, 2022 12PM EST, a link to the book will appear.

If we get on it at the same time, it will definitely help boost the book on Amazon! And if it really takes the world by storm, you might get to see it in your nearest bookstore!

To get the link for the timer, see the comment section below.

Because you have all been so incredibly supportive, my publisher has a surprise for you. As a way of saying thank you to all of you, they have decided to lower the price of the ebook during its first week on Amazon. So make sure you get your copy while it's warm, hot off the (digital) press, and at a discounted price!

I know you have already read Jenny's Heart on Wattpad (and I can't thank you enough for all the support that you have given me), but you may ask: why do I need to buy the book? Well, my editor and I have worked our butts off to whip this into its best shape yet. Seriously, I've lost count of all the midnight oils we've burned to get it to what it is. There may be changes here and there, but it's still the same story you fell in love with, if not better! 

Not only that, but you will be able to keep this polished version forever, and add it to your own personal library! 

So stay tuned for my final post where you'll receive all the information you need to grab a copy!

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