Chapter 14

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"Isabella, let me do your hair quickly or else we'll run late," Jenny said as she approached the dressing table with a hairbrush in the one hand and pins in the other while Isabella was battling to pull on a sweater.

"Okay, Aunt Jenny," she responded as she finally managed to get her head through the hole, her poking up in all directions due to the static electricity.

"I can't wait for the holidays," the little girl muttered, glancing outside at the winter morning as she walked up to her aunt already waiting for her to take her seat.

"I know, sweetie, but there's only one more week left of early mornings," Jenny replied as she brushed through her niece's hair before styling it into a waterfall braid - a style that suited her beautifully.

She was just finishing off the last few touches when they heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," Jenny called and turned to notice little Rosa standing in the doorway. "Don't worry, Rosa. We'll be ready in a minute."

Rosa glanced to Jenny's hands working with Isabella's hair. "Um, I was actually wondering ..." she trailed off.

Jenny quickly finished off the braid before giving the little girl her full attention. "What's wrong, sweetie?" she asked.

Rosa looked at her and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth before taking a deep breath. "Would you mind ... doing my hair, please?" she asked in a timid voice. 

Jenny blinked before smiling. "Of course not. Come here," she said as she gestured to the seat that Isabella had previously occupied.

Rosa seemed a little hesitant as she slowly closed the distance and climbed onto the seat. Jenny turned to see Isabella giving her a questioning look.

"We won't run late," she told her before turning to look at Rosa's reflection that stared back at her. "What would you like me to do?"

Rosa thought for a moment, and her face turned a little red. "I quite like what you did for Isabella yesterday."

"Alright," Jenny said as she grabbed a spare brush that she had bought.

The young woman could feel Rosa relax almost instantly at the feeling. It was amazing how brushing a person's hair could calm someone so easily. It was why Jenny always made a point of doing Isabella's hair.

As she worked, she couldn't help but notice that Rosa's hair was quite similar to that of her niece. Both were extremely dark with that blue tint to it; however, while Isabella's was wavy, Rosa's was dead straight.

After a couple of minutes, Jenny finished and grabbed a small mirror on the dressing table to position it behind Rosa's head so that she could see the back.

"Do you like it?" she asked, and she saw Rosa's eyes grow to the size of saucers.

"It looks so pretty! Thank you," she gushed with the largest of smiles on her face. "Can I go show my dad?"

"Of course," Jenny said and watched Rosa leap off the chair and sprint out the room.

Who would've thought that one of the richest girls in the world would be so excited about a simple hairstyle?

"Well, she sure seems happy," Isabella stated with a frown. "Why did you do her hair?"

Jenny glanced at her niece when she detected the small hint of jealousy. "Because she asked, Isabella."

The older girl crossed her arms as her gaze trailed to the carpet beneath her feet. "But I thought that was our thing," she muttered.

"Isabella, it will always be our thing. I did it for Rosa because she asked me to, and she asked nicely."

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