Coordinated Attack

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"Must be a record," Kaia walked through the open door, "the whole city of Fellen in three hours. Payments from businesses have been collected and placed in storage and Skins is onboarding the recruits as we speak."

"Xyra's done Fellen faster," Theo shrugged but it was just a joke, she kept the bit going, "could have been left a bit more impressed."

"I'll always be in her shadow. Why can't you see I'm right here, Theo?!" Kaia walked to the desk and set down some papers and a letter. She leaned over and gripped the collar of Theo's shirt, shaking it a bit, "why can't you see I'm doing everything I can to make you notice me!"

Theo laughed and pushed her hands away, "How many recruits?"


"Anything funny going on in town?"

"Nothing to report. Things are quiet," Kaia shrugged then looked down and put a finger on the sealed envelope on the desk, "you've got a letter."

Kaia slid it forward and Theo went to grab it but it was pulled away at the last second. Kaia picked it up off the desk and held it behind her back.

"Not so fast, Captain."

"Who is it from?"

"You know who it's from," Kaia shrugged, "you come to the party tonight, you get to read Xyra's letter."

Theo narrowed her eyes, "I already told you, I don't go to parties when we are at sea. We are vulnerable."

"Funny. Because I heard that there was rarely ever a party you used to miss out on. At sea or not, you at least showed your face," Kaia smirked a bit, having caught the lie. Theo would find the snitch and gut them, "so, you will make an appearance tonight."

"It's my letter. You can't force me to go. I am your captain, I command you," Theo held her hand out.

"You know what else I was made privy to?" Kaia tilted her head, "You can play the lute."

"I can also sing and dance. I'm a regular entertainer," Theo sat up, "hand over Xyra's letter."

"Then you'll grace us all with your entertainment tonight," Kaia demanded.

"I would sooner fuck a man," Theo laughed.

"Xyra told me that it was my job to take care of you. I have let you be a recluse for three cycles and skip out on most of the parties we have had because I thought it was the way things were. Apparently, that is not normal of you," Kaia shook her head, "hence I have been failing at my job and breaking my promise. Two things I don't do, so you are coming to the party."

"Fine, but I won't perform."

"Perfectly fine with me," Kaia handed Theo the letter, "figured if I asked for something massive, simply showing up to the party would seem more attractive."

"I want Xyra back," Theo joked and began to open the letter.


I will keep things brief as I do not want you distracted by the letter. I am happy to hear from you, alive and well. I have also heard from Cooker. Like you, she has not experienced too many hardships as of yet and is on track to make it to Niveal on time. In a letter I sent to Cooker, I have informed her that you are alright. I plan on making it to Niveal after you have been there for a cycle. I would come sooner but I have things here in Nefriti I must help my family with before coming back.

I know you worry about me but I am doing better. If I am honest, I have been away from work for far too long and I am itching for my suns to be filled with duties. I have taken to reading, writing, meditating, and have even joined some old grandmothers at the gardens in town. We share small snacks and mead that we bring from home as we watch the children play. I bring my sisters' children and they bring their grandchildren. They are quite entertaining to be around and they have accepted me as one of their own. Perhaps I have been hanging around the wrong age group my whole life. Misunderstood by most, welcomed by the elderly.

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now