A Deal With The Devil

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Hey! I usually don't TW warning bc gore and violence are just pirate things but I am Trigger Warning (TW) this chapter for mentions/implications/depictions of sexual assault and harassment


Like always, the docking and registration procedures for Niveal were boring, endless, and wholly unnecessary. It was worse now that Theo was bringing in four ships into Niveal's water instead of just the one. After having to watch her sun slip her by, the sun rising high in the sky and then setting, all while she waited for the paperwork to be done, she was finally free to roam the island. But first, she had to get there. The lightbringer was far too large to dock, so they transferred onto boats that rowed them to shore.

Theo was anxious to get on land. Not because they had avoided their last few stops in order to make better time, but because she had confirmed with the customs officer that the Galleon and various sloops anchored in the bay was the other half of her fleet. She was trying to play it cool but she missed Cooker a lot. It had been so long since she had been without either of her sisters and all she wanted to see was that Cooker was in fact safe, like Xyra had communicated in her letters.

On her boat she had Iona, Kaia, Tuni, Navi, and Gianna. Skins had stayed back to make sure every new recruit got Niveal starting money and instructions on how to best navigate Niveal. As the shore grew closer, the city lights and the shining moon illuminated a figure with their arms crossed, waiting at the edge of the docks. The slight frown from a sun of dealing with Nivealan customs and bureaucracy was replaced with a smile. Without realizing it, she was squirming around in anticipation.

Kaia put a hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. Tuni couldn't help but chuckle.

"Calm down, child," Tuni shook her head, "Cooker is not going anywhere."

"Remember, when we get there, one of us has to be with you at all times," Theo said in response.

"I thought my prison sentence was going to be renegotiated after a cycle," Tuni shot back.

"Two suns left until that point," Navi chimed in and Tuni shot her a disappointed look.

"I am quitting the crew. Thank you for the free voyage to Niveal where I can find an employer that will pay me double what you do," Tuni threatened.

"Your share last length was over 900 gold, that wasn't including any of the expensive finds you have in your possession," Theo shrugged, "try and find someone that will pay you double."

"You shouldn't challenge her," Navi warned, "what was a joke will turn into something serious."

"She is absolutely correct," Tuni nodded in Navi's direction with approval.

"Two suns, then we negotiate terms," Theo stated and stood up, watching their boat close the last dozen feet of distance to the wooden docks. The ropes were not even secured before Theo was shoving past everyone and climbing onto the wooden platform, pushing herself over the ledge and onto her feet.

As she stood up, the figure from earlier was only a foot from her and with wide smiles, they both embraced each other. Cooker's hug was tight and Theo returned the squeeze, relief flooding her that Xyra's words rang true. Her advisor was alright, unharmed, and on time.

"Where've you been?" Cooker asked as she pulled away.

"Finishing my route?" Theo laughed, slightly confused, "I'm on time. In fact, I'm basically early."

"Well, we've been waiting forever," Cooker teased, "I told you I would beat you down the coast."

"It was never a race, it was a challenge."

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