Yandere Wolf

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(Wish me luck)

♡ Capable of kidnapping

♡ Skilled in hunting you down

♡ Is actually really strong

♡ Not very good at manipulation

♡ Will kill for you

♡ Is pretty chill about the entire thing

♡ Is really calm if you try to hit him

♡ Like- he's just letting you

♡ Go ahead let it out

♡ He can wait

♡ Is kind of a collector of all things you

♡ Do not look at the sketches of you

♡ Stop trying to escape

♡ You'll give in eventually

♡ Stolkholm Syndrome?

♡ Maybe just tired of fighting

♡ At this point you're with him 24/7

♡ Everywhere you go there he is

♡ His favorite thing to do is play with your hair

♡ Please play with his

♡ It makes him smile

♡ He knew you'd come around ♡

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