Things They Do

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The way she holds your hand no matter the occasion
Happy, scared, mad, confused, bored, excited, ect
It's so cute and sometimes she surprises herself when she does it


How he tries to hide the fact that he tries your jackets and hoodie's
He fits in em and he loves em
He always gets caught by you and you always have to remind him it's fine


Same as Duncan
It's cute and she always gets caught
She gets super embarrassed


How she's always defensive like-
Someone could drop trash in front of your feet and she's just in front of you arm out kicking that trash away
Then realizes she just fought a literal trash and tries to laugh it off before throwing it away


The way he just touches your hair no matter how he's feeling
Happy, sad, excited, surprised, pissed, bored, ect
Hand shall be in your hair
It's all the time
Hand on your head guiding you
Fingers running through em
Brushing it to one side
Puffing it
Twirling a piece around his finger
Don't matter to him
He'll stop if you tell him
I wouldn't tho


How he always takes a pic of you
It's super annoying but sometimes you don't mind
He has videos of you getting excited, singing to your favorite song, being lovey dovey
He has pics of you being bored in class, being focused on a movie
Pretty much anything and everything

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