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My alarm blares loud and jumps me awake. I don't think I've slept so soundly in a long time, usually waking up a few times during the night and always up before my alarm. I feel like I actually got a decent amount of sleep. And I know why. Harry. He was so sweet last night, making sure I was comfortable, that I had everything I needed. We laid down in bed last night and Harry wrapped his arm around me and pulled me back so my back was flush with his front, his knees bent with mine. I fell asleep to him placing tiny kisses along my shoulder and my neck while his fingers drew random patterns on my stomach. I felt so happy last night, like a piece of myself that I was missing had finally fallen into place.

"Morning, sleepy head." I turn at the sound of Harry's deep, sleepy voice and smile at him.

"Morning," I whisper, trying not to open my mouth to much and subject Harry to my morning breath.

"Sleep well?" He asks, placing a light kiss to the side of my neck, making a shiver run down my spine.

"Very. Did you?" I ask, closing my eyes as Harry continues to place light, small kisses down my neck, to my shoulder. He shuffles around and rolls me onto my back so he's leaning over me. When I open my eyes he's smiling down at me, his bare chest pressed to my side and his body heat warming me to my core.

"Best sleep I've had in a long time." He leans down and I know he's going to try and kiss me and I turn my head at the last second and his lips touch my cheek. He lets out a playful growl and reaches up to cup my face, turning my head back towards him. He looks at me with narrowed eyes and pursed lips, like he can't believe I just denied him a kiss.

"Morning breath," I explain, clamping my mouth shut. Harry shakes his head, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he smirks down at me. Before I could ask him anything, he pounces. He straddles my waist, placing his hands beside my head, hovering over me for a brief second before leaning down and peppers my face with kisses. I laugh as he kisses my nose, my chin, my forehead and both cheeks, moving around my face quickly. I'm so engrossed in what he's doing to my face I don't notice his hand move until it's to late. He tickles my side until I'm wiggling under him, barking out a laugh that's quite embarrassing.

"Okay! Okay!" I cry out between laughs.

"You should have learned from the last time you played this game that I don't care about morning breath, you silly girl." I remember what he's talking about, it was the night he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Guess I just needed a reminder," I say, grinning up at me. This time, when he leans down, I don't turn away. His lips brush mine lightly before he deepens the kiss. My breath gets caught in my throat as his lips capture mine, the kiss slow but powerful.

"There, not so bad was it?" Harry jokes after pulling away.

"Eh, it wasn't too bad," I tease, earning myself a low growl from Harry before he leans down again and presses his lips to mine again, this time deepening the kiss, his tongues running along my bottom lip. He slides his hand under my neck, pressing us even closer before he flips us again so I'm now straddling his waist, all without breaking the kiss. His other arm circles my waist as I press my chest to his, keeping me in place. His tongue darts out again and I part my lips. This kiss is deep and sensual, full of desperation and need. It's all consuming and I forget why I denied him that first kiss.

"Better?" He ask breathlessly. I nod, pressing my face to his neck, breathing in deep to try and calm my breathing.

"Much," I answer, sounding like I just got out of a trance. Harry chuckles, kissing the side of my head before tapping my thigh.

"As much as I'd love to stay in bed with you all day, we should probably get up. Don't want you to be late for work."

My body heats, knowing I'd love to stay in bed with him all day. He's right though, I have to leave now if want to head home and get ready. I slid off his lap and sit on the edge of the bed, Harry doing the same. He takes my hand and brings it up to his mouth, pressing a quick kiss to my knuckles before standing and walking to his adjoined bathroom.

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