the day i met him

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A/N: The outfit for this chapter is shown at
the top of the page. This chapter is set three years before Riverdale, and the reader is thirteen years old. In addition, the reader continues to live with FP.
bathing suit (Because I forgot to include it in the outfit)

bathing suit (Because I forgot to include it in the outfit)

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It was a hot summer day with a tiny breeze, so I went to Sweet Water River to swim and relax. I usually go there with my best friend Sweet Pea, but he's busy today, so I'm here by myself.

(30 minute time skip because I'm lazy)

I've been at Sweet Water River for about a half hour when I notice another person there. They must have just arrived. I understand why they're here it's hot as fuck out today.

As the person approaches, I can get a better look at them, and they appear to be a boy who looks like he's 14 years old.

He appears slim but tall, probably around 5'8, with wild dark brown hair and brown eyes.
He's dressed in a pair of black swim trunks and no shirt.

I stare for a few moments until he notices and smiles at me.

Shit, that's embarrassing. I can't believe he noticed me staring at him.

Once my face cools down a bit, I turn to see if he's still there, and he isn't. Huh, that's weird. Maybe he left, I thought, until I heard a splash behind me. I turned around to see what was happening and was greeted with water. After my vision is clear again, I see the boy from earlier right in front of me.

"So did you like the view earlier, princess? I mean, you probably did since I caught you staring."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare."

"It's fine, princess. By the way, I'm Kurtz."

"I'm Y/N."

"Well, Y/N, it's nice to meet you, but I have to ask, what are you doing here alone?"

"Well, I normally come here with my best friend, but he's busy today, and I don't really hang out with other people or have other friends. But why are you alone?"

"I don't really have friends, so I'm always alone."

"Well, if you want, we could be friends."

"I'd love that.It would be nice to have a friend."

And after that day, me and him became very close friends. We exchanged numbers to keep in contact and to plan hangouts. We ended up hanging out more over the summer, and whenever Sweets was busy, I would end up hanging out with Kurtz. Sweets was really busy this summer, it kind of sucked that I couldn't hang out with Sweets as much, but Kurtz was still fun to hang out with. Me and him would hang out mostly at Sweet Water River, but we would also go to the drive-in and we would hang out at Pops.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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