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Stiles pov:

Things were getting better, personally not overall. The dead-pool was still a mess, people dying and all that. But at least know that Meredith was revealed as the benefactor so we were working on getting answers, that's a bonus. But personally, things were great. Malia and me had started a new friendship. It was purely platonic, but we had both decided the break up was a good idea. The past few months i had felt like something was missing. Like a missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle. But now that I'm back with Alexis i realise what that missing piece was, because it's complete now.

We told each other we wouldn't rush into things. Take it slow. But that probably means when i woke up this morning I'd be in my bed not hers... yeah. I looked over at the girl in front of me. Her hair was in a tangled mess and she somehow had a scowl whilst sleeping. Typical. I watched her eyes flutter slightly like gentle butterflies. When she opened her eyes she rolled her eyes at my staring and i scoffed.

 "Oh you watching me sleep?" She asked me laughing pathetically. "Don't flatter yourself, I'm bored." I spat back. "Mhh okay, fun morning for you then." She announced her eyebrow arched. "Yeah i love spending my mornings arguing with 5'4 brunettes like you," i groaned as she just grinned amused at my sarcasm. "Oh shut up you spend all your days doing that ands you love it," she smiled sleepily. She faced me resting her chin in her palm as i began rambling. "No i despise it, your repulsive Alexis." I shrugged climbing out off the bed. I stretched slightly my shirt gliding up as i did so exposing my midriff and I caught her lingering gaze. I raised my eyebrows at her lustful expression. "Ugh your so hopelessly in love with me it's tragic," i pouted as she moved towards me. She looked up at me with a sweet sweet and then off guard kicked my shin. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath as she grinned and walked out of her room.

Alexis pov:

When i walked down the stairs I was met by Lydia and Scott's smirks. "What?" I groaned rubbing my eyes. As i sleepily walked to the coffee machine. "You and Stiles gave fun?" Lydia winked as i glared at her. "What we talking about?" I heard Stiles asked. I spun around to see him walking towards me. He quickly placed his hands on my hips kissing my forehead then walking past me to sit next to Scott at the island. I'll say one thing, sleepy stiles is definitely my favourite type of stiles. "You and Lexi last night," Scott replied as i just rolled my eyes laughing. "We fucked." Stiles explained nodding. "No way Stiles!" I gasped sarcastically as he just glared at me and the others laughed.

A/N: ok but i made lexi say "no way stiles" cuz imo she looks like she's saying that in the GIF above so pretend it works lol xo

"So what's Meredith saying," i asked Lydia as we ate breakfast. "Hm a lot...she's one confusing person that's for sure," she told me as we agreed. "You think this will be over soon?" Stiles asked. "Definitely," replied.

"Okay so the plan for today, me and Lydia will go to the station to talk to Meredith. Alexis and Stiles you go over to Stiles' to get the Sheriff, we meet back at school," Scott explained as we nodded. 

When i entered the Stilinski household. I shoved Stiles aside and quickly skipped over to Noah. "Sheriff!!!" I grinned excitedly high giving him as he grinned back. "Alexis Davis my soon to be daughter in law!" He laughed. "Dad what?" Stiles questioned confused walking towards us. "Just a joke son, god your not getting married for years if i have anything or do with it." He began as i laughed. "So i find out you two are back together from Scott? Instead of you guys!!" He asked us expressively as i gave him an apologetic look. how many people did the boy text? "Calm down." Stiles reassured him as Noah rolled his eyes. "Anyway i got you two a gift!" He exclaimed grabbing something out of your pocket. "Uh you know were not actually getting married right? You have time for a b-etter engagement gift?" I asked him looking at the piece of paper he pulled out as he just laughed at me. "I found this a while ago whilst cleaning through stuff, thought I'd give it to you guys since your back together," he explained passing me a slip of paper. I unfolded it and my mouth fell open. It was a photo of me and Stiles from god knows when, when we were younger. It made me happy remembering better times. I passed the photo to stiles. "My hairs horrible," he just stated as i slapped his head.

"It's fine i had ridiculous bangs," i added pointing at my forehead in the picture

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"It's fine i had ridiculous bangs," i added pointing at my forehead in the picture. "How long ago was this?" I asked. "Oh uh you guys must have been at least 6," Noah told us as i nodded. This reminded me of how much me and Stiles have gone through together, he really was the first person who really knew me.

A/N: sorry for such a short chapter, this is more of a filler! I'll have the new one up as soon as i can. But yay first pure happy chapter in a while lol. Also can we agree that stiles' dad is their biggest supporter along with lydia and scott!  Have a great day, thanks for reading!! lots of love <3

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