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Alexis pov:

When we got into the Stilinski household the boys instantly went for the board, throwing their ideas and suspicions on the infamous crime board. I had made myself comfortable, popping in and out of the conversation but mainly just relaxing around while they did the work today. Exhaustion overwhelming me.  I also am sweltering in the heat so i had peeled off the sweater i was wearing now just in my jeans and a black lacey top Stiles kept catching glances at. "There was a call a few hours ago about a sophomore from Beacon Hills High who never came home last night." Stiles explained. I was on my stomach on his bed a few feet away from them but still listening in. "What's his name?" Scott asked. "Noah Patrick." Scott looked at the list of the chimeras. "Come on, we need to go to the school," Scott announced as i scrunched up my face. "Noooooo." I whined rolling over on the bed and sitting up. "Then you're staying here alone." Stiles shrugged grabbing a flannel. I sent him an icy glare as i stood up following them out to the jeep. 

When we got to school we headed for this Noah kids locker, which we had located. Scott violently ripped the lock off opening it and snatching out a sweater. I took it in my hands confused as he spoke. "Now we can catch his scent." The three of us spun around when we heard footsteps only to see Malia. Scott snatched the sweater from me and throwing it at her. She caught it and pressed it to her face getting the scent. "You called her?" Stiles hissed at Scott as i also made a face. Me and her still aren't best friends or anything. "We need all the help we can get. I should be calling everyone!" Scott told him. Malia gave Stiles a hard look as she approached us as he rolled his eyes and looked away from her to face me. I uncomfortably gave him an awkward smile as he sighed. "And, i know what this kid looks like." Malia explained.  "Yeah well, so do i." I exclaimed. "No you don't." Scott expressed looking at me confused. "Shut up." I wailed walking off dramatically as the others followed. 

We're in a literal railway depot. This seems to be where his scent tracked. We had divided instantly. Scott and Malia stalking ahead of me and Stiles. Although Malia and Stiles are civil, and its been a few months since the breakup I think it's been a while since they've been in forced proximity like this. "Did you see the look she gave me?" stiles exclaimed as i nodded bored. "Lex- are you listening????" he looked over to me as i hopped over a rock. "Yeah. Sorry your ex girlfriend isn't the most interesting conversation for me." I spat dryly as he looked at me guilty. "Oh yeah...good point. Sorry." I threw a smile at him as we walked. "I got it. I got his scent!!" I heard Malia call out before running off. Scott looked back at us giving us a brief nod before running after her as we did too.

We had now reached the underground tunnels. And i was regretting leaving my sweater at Stiles. He had given me his flannel which I was clutching around me for dear life but I think I still just cold easily. "This is Noah's he was here. I think he's close." Malia explained examining a blood splatter. "Guys...i think we've been down tunnels like this before, like when we were trying to find Liam and Hayden." Scott told us eerily. "Okay, so what?" Stiles asked impatient. "Maybe it means were closer than we think. Maybe there's something else down here- something that we haven't found yet." "Yeah. Nothing that helps my dad. Look, we cant just be standing around here waiting for something to-" stiles was cut off as he was launched at the wall hitting his head, by some shadowy figure. 

"Stiles!" I called out running to him as he fell unconscious. "Stiles." Scott yelled. A minute or two Stiles gasped awake, he took the hand i had extended as i helped him to his feet. "You okay?" Scott asked. "Yeah, fine." He panted. I twisted my head to see Malia pinning a boy to the wall, her fangs out. "Let me go, please! They're coming!" The boy who i assumed was Noah cried out. I heard some clicking noises probably insinuating that the dread doctors were in fact nearing us and felt myself getting more nervous.

 Malia reluctantly let go of him but I quickly noticed Stiles go towards him. He grabbed Noahs shirt aggressively pinning him to the wall throwing his forearm against Noahs throat. "Your not going anywhere." I heard him snarl. "I said i dont remember." "You don't remember anything?" "No.not when it happens- not when i change." Noah breathed. Stiles unhappy with the answer hit him harder increasing aggression. "You clawed my dad half to death, okay? And now it's poisoning him. You're gonna start remembering every detail right now!" He screamed as I saw Scott take a step back nervously. "Scott, i hear them." Malia whispered. "Yeah me too." I added hearings he clicking of the dread doctors. Scott approached stiles gently. "Hey, Stiles- get him out of here.go to the hospital. Figure out a way to save your dad." Scott told him. "We're not gonna be able to stop them!" Malia responded shocked. "But we can slow them down..." scott added. "Lexie make sure he's okay." Scott instructed me as i softly nodded. "Stiles, go." Scott told him one last time. Stiles unwillingly let go of Noah and they walked towards me. 

The three of us had been rushing down other tunnels for a while now only to find that the exit was blocked. I tried to hold back my frustration, Stiles instead grunted balling his fists. "Step back, i think i can break through." Noah told us. Although stiles gave him a questioning look as Noah got ready. "It's just...sometimes- most o the time- i lose control, so, you better step back." He explained. We stepped back. I winced uncomfortable as Noah groaned in pain, claws growing and him eventually gripping the gate breaking off the chain. He beckons for us to follow him, "lets go." Me and Stiles exchange a worried look but ran after him escaping. The second we got out, Stiles called Melissa. He figured it out watching Noah transform, his dad was being poisoned by bone marrow. 

The second we arrived back at the hospital Stiles dad was resting and out of surgery. Stiles fled to his side gripping his dads arm as he took a seat next to him on the bed. I stood in the doorway leaning against it. I watched as Noah woke up, Stiles' head springing up. "It's okay Stiles you got me." He told him reassuringly. Sherif gave me a grateful look as i nodded then left for the waiting room to give him space. 

Stiles pov:

After sticking by my dads side for the next few hours he basically kicked me out. Knowing he was okay now and almost back to good was the only reason i agreed. I froze in the middle of the waiting room when i saw a familiar mop of messy hair against the wall. I walked over to where she was sat, looked like her head was almost falling of her neck. I tapped her lightly to try wake her up and she instantly jumped up. "Hey- hi, hello." She blinked tucking her hair behind her eyes to see me. "What are you doing?" "Not. Sleeping." She told me plainly as i tried not to laugh. "I meant more why are you here and not at home." I narrowed my eyes. "Well, I wasn't going to just leave you here." She laughed like it was obvious. "I cant believe you." I shook my head as she stood up dizzily, clutching her head for a second. "Time to go?" She asked cutely. I wrapped my arm around her pulling her in as we walked to the elevator. "Yeah lex, time to go." 

Alexis pov:

Stiles' dad was safely on the road to recovery and that had sent us on the way back home. I told my mom i would be sleeping over at Stiles and she told me not too 'get pregnant'.  I reached my boyfriends room and grabbed my sweater hauling it over my body, instantly feeling a rush of warmth engulf me. When i spun around I noticed Stiles was just stood at the doorway staring at me. "Thats creepy." I observed. "I'm not even doing anything." He shrugged leaning further against it as i saw a sliver of his skin reveal as he lifted up his shirt for a second. "Your...staring." I stammered. "No. Your staring." He corrected and dumbly I couldn't even disagree cause i was. It's not my fault he's profoundly gorgeous. He raked a hand through his disheveled hair then walked up to me. "Oh my god I've driven you to muteness." He mock gasped. I furrowed my eyebrows then kicked his shin as he winced, smirking. "Did you hear back from Scott or Malia?" I asked, we haven't heard back from them since the tunnels. He just shook his head. "Great," I flopped onto his bed tired. "I don't even know if I can sleep today." I sighed as he stood in front of me. "Well it's like two a.m, so I'm sleeping either way." Stiles explained slightly yawning. I threw him a look and he made a step towards me. He knelt down so he was just below my eye level. "What are you doing?" I asked breathily. "Helping you sleep." He told me trailing kisses down my neck. "Hm?" He just placed his finger to my lips implying I shut up as he kissed my body. 

A/N: sorry for not updating loves:( been so busy with school, neglecting some work rn to upload this lol. Anyway i hope you enjoyed ill try my best to update the next chapter up soon!!! Thank you for reading, have a great day. Lots of love xo 

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