Stay Away From the Nutria

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Chapter 8: Stay Away From the Nutria, Sheldon

Despite plenty of invites except one from Don, Gus noticed with great disappointment, she spent Christmas in New Orleans, celebrating with Billy and his mother, Buela given a well deserved vacation to spend with her family on a trip to Disney World.

"Sounds nothing like a vacation if you ask me," Billy remarked, shuddering at the thought of all those children and few places to drink as they sat down for the traditional New Year's Day spread.

"William Brooks," Miss Loretta admonished before turning to Gus, "since clearly my son is not going to give me grand-babies before I die, what about you Augusta, any chance on you finding a man to impregnate you anytime soon?"

Gus choked on her drink as Billy beat her on the back. "Mother, please do not kill my best friend at the dinner table. Though she does bring up a good point. Any suitors, Augusta?"

"I have been covered in god knows what in a FEMA trailer and dank basement for the past however many weeks and y'all want to know if I have any suitors? I am not on the market, thanks," she said, going to make herself another drink.

"There are some lovely gentlemen that come to visit at Poydras House and some eligible doctors, I could inquire," Loretta started in.

"That won't be necessary, thank you," Gus seethed.

Billy looked at her with raised eyebrows, "are you sure? Not even for a little romp? Must be getting awfully lonely up there under the eaves. Not to mention I haven't seen any letters from Detective Flack during mail call, or that other one, what was his name?"

"I am not talking to you about Doyle, it was a one time thing, that is all, end of story."

"Augusta Broussard, I am not sure I wish to hear such unladylike things," Loretta clutched at her pearls.

"Oh please, mother, you die for such stories to tell those old biddies!" Billy teased.

"Though your point is made, Gus, no more questions about Doyle. Detective Flack is still fair game though. I can't believe he didn't come after you the last time you hightailed it out of town. Should I expect him to turn up on the doorstep this time?"

Gus rolled her eyes, "I highly doubt it, Billy. I am not so sure he shares my feelings, or if he ever did."

"He proposed to you, twice, girl, what more do you need?"

"And then I ran away and ruined any chance at happiness, and I didn't even try to fight for him, and then I slept with Doyle and then Jess got killed and Don fell apart and then I tried to fix him but I wasn't, I was nothing more than an easy lay and I made things worse and I don't know why he would ever want me back anyway-" she broke off realized she was ranting.

"Well that explains why you have moped since you got here, no wonder you have depleted my liquor cabinet!" Billy said.

Loretta looked at the woman crumbling at her dining room table. "William, I think perhaps I should head back and give you two a chance to catch up."

Gus decided now was the time to open her latest letter, this one from Sheldon, hoping it contained cheery news.


First off, pardon the chicken scratch, half the reason I think I went to med school in the first place was because my handwriting is so horrible that I had to become a doctor.

How are things with you, I feel like we haven't talked in a while. I am sure you have been pretty busy since you have been down there, and I know you tried to explain a lot in your letter, but know I don't think you are 'the worst friend ever' or any of that other stuff you tried to say.

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