The next hour we sat in the living room, my age had slid more- now smaller than before. Sam, had gotten a few other people to go take care of the shouting and yelling going on while a few stayed with the rest of us. Kell sat on the couch reading a book, unsure what the book was called. Bry sat on the other-side playing on the video game consol. I sat in the corner of the floor, with rawr and dabi on the floor. A box of crayons sat sprawled in front of me and a poorly drawn picture as well. "wan draw on the walls." i mumbled as i began to chew a blue crayon. bry gave a little chuckle. "yeah, you'd get in trouble for that. don't chew that please." he replied as he took the object from my mouth. "why nots." I argued. "it's not healthy." he replied. "whats going on with em?" kell asked, looking up from her book. "mom and dad?" bry replied to witch kell replied with a duh. "dad slept with someone else other than mom, and when your married - that's well.. not the best thing in the book kids." Dean spoke from the doorway. "So thats why tey yellins?" i asked and dean gave yet another sigh. "that and probably the fact that their both not sober ether. i'd stay away from both just for the time being. rather have you guys safe- so where placing you with some people for now, according to mr P." he sighed, swirling some werid smelling juice in his cup. "B your with Sam. Kell you'll be with bunny and Bry you'll be with me." dean spoke. "The drunk bastard? yeah ill go to the punching room for now." bry spoke. dean gave a sigh. "yeah, go do that." he replied. "sammy we'll be with ya in a few B." he addef towards me as he walked out into the hallway. I haven't gotten to know sammy much, as i was staying with in my bedroom lately. from what i know he's ok, i dont know...
Once done drawing , the sound of footsteps walking towards me took my attentoin away. I looked up to a tall brown haired male wearing some plaid and jeans. "hey kiddo, what are you drawing?" he spoke gently. "nothin." i replied trying to hide it from his view. "alright, dean told you P put you with me for a little?" he asked. I gave a nod. "ok, well i know you slide a lot right? so i'm goin keep a good eye on u incase you slide smaller ok?" he spke/ 'mm,". i saids. "i know, wanna go take a nap?" to my suprise i hadn't realizzed but i was indeed tired. didn'yt want t o place a fight up so i gave another nod.
end of part two.
Broken endings
DiversosWhat does a perfect family look like behind a glass window? tws, drug used, drinking, yelling. ect