i just wanted you to care

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Season 3 (hank didnt die)
Were jason wants to go back to normal.
Jason wanted dick to come and get him. To tell jason how stupid he was,and that evreything will be ok tho.
(Conner saved hank in time in thid fic)
(Jason is 17).

3rd pov.

"Dicky i waited long for you to find me" jason joked. Dich in his nightwing costume whit his wepons looked unimpressed.
"Jason this will stop now."
Dick said cold, having his 5 thousend wolt wepon in his hand and an gun in the ohter one.

"What are you going to do dicky? Kill me? Then do. Crane will revive me anyways. You could kill me a thousend times and i would come back each time" jason laughed.
"No. Im not here to kill you." Dick said walking over to jason. Jason was tied down frome crane so he couldnt move.

"Then what are you goin to do dickface" jason mutterd.
"I will take you to arkham were evreything is worse then death. You probly will get torcherd there. Maby evin raped. Your going to wish that i killed you right here." Dick said, but before jason could asnwer dick continued
"thats what you want to hear dont you? You want to hear taht your going to pay for what you did. That you didnt came to me, that you didnt listend and got killed ny joker, that you turned to drigs and tried to kill hank. But all you actually want is frogiveness, somone to care enough to help you. Just like you said on the roof. You said many people tried saving you but no one could not evin bruce becuse they didnt care enough" dick said.
Jason was kind of shocked, dick could really see through him.

"But i care for you, i always carwd for you evin tho you were my replacement. You still have a chance, hank didnt die. You didnt kill innocent people. If you want frogivness by somone who cares for you then come whit me. Stay clean and let me take care of you. Let me help you evin tho i faild to do once. But now im here so please"
Dick said.

Jason eyes were widden, evreything he was wishing for at night. Just cane true.
Dicks frogiveness was like feeling saint again. Jason starded crying, sobbing uncotrolled.

Dick pulled jason into a hug to clam him down.

"Hey did y-" gar came frome behind but when he saw jason tied up and crying while dick hugged him he fell silent.

"Jason" gar huffed, tears in his eyes.
"Shh" dick murmed into jasons ear, trying to clam him down.

"Im gonna untied you, promis to not kill me" dick joked, jason smiled and nodded.

Dick quikly untided him, looking at jason closer now. Scanning him.

Jason was wering black shorts and an red t-shirt.
Jason was tembling when he tried standing up, dick cought him, "what happend" dick asked jason, "crane forced me to take some pills that make my body numb, that way he tied me down" jason mutterd.

"Dont worry jason" gar said, gar turned into a horse form and dick placed jason on him.

"Alright gar, bring him outside ill help the ohters, gars horse form nodded and quikly ran out whit jason on him.

"What happend were were you?!" Hank asked, "jason, crane betrayed him, he tied him down so we could kill him. I told gar to bring him to the tower. Jason is safe now" dick said. "What?! Whst do you mean he is safe now he tried killing us why did you frogive him?!" Hank asked. "He was on drugs, and ge was scared he hsd no one. Many people wouldve gone crazy. Now. Lets go back home if were done, i still need to cheeck on jason if he got and wounds."

--part 2 comes today--

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