Chapter 7

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James's POV

I run over tomy room, and then I grab my dance bags and throw them on the ground, I just got heard that Riley is moving, and I have to tell her I love her, but I cant tell her

"You need to switch me back.." Riley says

Rileys POV

I cant take it anymore, I wanna date Eldon, I dont wanna  UGGH...

I tug his arm into his Uncle enos shop

we switch back.....

James's POV

" remember" I say

Now we are back to normal

"I love you" I say

Riley runs off to Eldon

(A/N the rest of the chapter is a filler)

Riley runs to Eldon, I get nervous I mean, I love her

but the next thing I know, they are dating............. I run to my room, and start to cry, I want her back, she hates me, but how I do I get her back, 

I love her, but she hates me...............

Riley's POV

I am sio happy to be dating Eldon :) I grab my bags and head to dance, then ask Kate if I could have the duet with Eldon, she says yes, we get started, everything is so great right now, I love Eldon.... but something is wrong yet..... I have to tell Eldon, that I am leaving on the day after nationals. but I cant, no I can no I have to tell him....

Switching roles- Jiley (TNS)Where stories live. Discover now