Chapter 8

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James's POV

I know I said this so maney times, but I want Riley to know, I just dont wanna I mean I get her point, I did break her heart


I was dating Riley as I loved her, she loved ,me, buut I kissed Beth, as well Beth kissed Me, I tried to pull away,  but it was no use, Riley hated me veer since and called me mean, and then I taslked to her about my secret, theat still did not work, as now I am mad

but here

I am..... I love Riley! I NEED her back in my arms, but its no use

"James, Riley and Eldon are doing a duet together, as you now have the solo..." Kate says

I sigh, I love Rileyt, well I guess it is my fault,  I was the one hanging out with Beth that night, and I hated her at the time, so wait, why was I hanging out with an enemy, oh yes thats right, I was dared to chat with her, but she still had a huge big massive crush on me, wait she still does.....

wait... its not my fault, its Beth's fault......3 hours later I am in studio A working on my male solo, as Michelle comes in.....

"hey, I wanna date you" Michelle says, i am kinda flatrtered but cmon who wouldnt wanna date me....

"Hey we need to talk" Eldon says

I am in all honesty scared that Eldon wants to talk, I mean, he is my firned in all but he is my ex girlfreidns new boyfriend, so I am just scared on my he wants to talk to me

"why" I ask

"Just wanted to see how you were, and stuff and I heard you needed advice...." Eldon says

ok phew...

"well, I am kinda mad at you for dating Riley" I say

"well you have to exept that she has moved on from you James" Eldon says

I cant move on...

Eldon leaves

Rileys POV

I am right at hadolgos waiting for Eldon

"hey babe.." Eldon says

I gulp

"I got some news, right after nationals, I am leaving for USA" I say

Switching roles- Jiley (TNS)Where stories live. Discover now