brightest reds

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brightest reds

i have a never ending ache to hold you
and whisper all the dreams i have
in the brightest shades of red
the shades that hold the truth of who i really am
and who i wish to be

i have the dreams in shades of red
splattered with the blood i've spilled
i have bright red dreams that hold me hostage
in a never ending spew of rage
rage that's painted everything i touch red
the bright red dreams of what could've been
and what should've been

i have a never ending ache to hold you
and whisper all the thoughts i have
in the brightest shades of red
the shades that hold the blood i will continue
to spill
the thoughts splattered with love and hatred
i have the brightest red thoughts that tainted my memory of you

i have a never ending ache to hold you and whisper all the words i should've said
that became tarnished with the brightest shades of red

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