i dream in shades of red,
splattered with the hues of the blood i spilled,
its monochrome
shattered with pieces of broken glassi dream in shades of blue,
sprinkled with views of a sky i once knew,
its vibrant
filled with water to the brimi dream in shades of purple,
redundant hues of emerald,
its power
shaking with every choice i makei dream in shades of brown,
doused with the stench of earth,
its soiled
buried with every stepi dream in shades of yellow,
heated with the rays of sun,
its boiling
shinning through the layersi dream in shades of gray,
dulled with the passing moments,
its stuffy
clouded with the fogi dream in shades of you,
skipping beats in my chest,
its warm
drowning in your every breath

empty spaces
Poetryshe/her i've been trying to grow into my own person and be who i need to be for myself, it's been hard work but everything has been worth it. my writing continues to be a look into my life, the parts i'm always too scared to show the world. i don't...