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Something bad was coming after them Chris was running after Matt and Nick was tryingto keep up with them. He didn't know who or what was it but he knows that they own something they shouldn't. He stumbled and fall on the ground and felt something pulling at his feet.

"Chris! Nick!" Matt eyes were shining and he was surrounded by Electric blue Light.


"Chris stop day dreaming, someone is coming" Matt shaked Chris when the door opened. The woman with seashells and flowers on her hair entered.

"We couldn't find your twin." she seemed distressed. " we have to do the ritual now before the redmoon passes. we will do have ritual, our mother offering has to be presented." she pointed to the twins. " bring them"


They were back on the ground on the center of the circles beside the fire. Their hands were tied behind them. Nate was nowhere in sight. Nora and other young people which Chris assumed are new witches were standing immediately behind the leader. She was holding a wooden stake and chanting. She went to stand in front of Matt raising the weapon and Chris worst nightmare was confirmed. They are gonna be sacrificed by these witches. He and Matt are gonna be brutally murdered out here with no last goodbyes to their family.

"NO!" He said when an explosion happened. A shield protected Matt caused the wooden stake to break to pieces. The same one he imagined before.

"Wiccan mother is refusing our offering" cried the woman. Everyone dropped to the ground wailing. Chris turned to his brother who was freeze in shock. "She gave power to the sacrifices"

"Matt? what did you do?? MATTY"

"I don't know, Chris ... I am scared."

Are you enjoying yourselves. Another chapter on the way.

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