Let The Festivities Begin

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As Y/n dressed in her uniform, Mina absolutely talked her ear off about how her and the newly grouped 'bakusqaud' have been hanging out since Y/n had been a little busy with Shoto.

They proceeded to make plans to cook up curry and meat buns for the class after everything was over for today, and that they'd go to the store to pick up the ingredients immediately after Y/n finished with her hosting duties.

They separated when approaching the field, Mina joining class 1A and Y/n ascending to the stage. Y/n proceeded to be bold and give Todoroki a small wink of good luck as she got closer to the microphone, the poor stiff boy only blushing the slightest bit and averting his eyes elsewhere.

After gathering the crowds attention and giving a pouting lady midnight a small bow of apology, it was time for someone from each class to come up and say something to represent the students of each course. The student who would be representing class 1A wassss... BAKUGOU?

Y/n looked at the card in her hand with a face that was laced with both concern and confusion, the only question on her mind being.. why?!

Oh well, it wasn't as if Y/n could do anything about it so she tried her best to introduce him with confidence. "Representing the students from class 1A is, Katsuki Bakugou!" She announced into the microphone, backing away so he could take his spot.

The crowd was still quiet and the only noises were small sounds of shock coming from the students of the hero course. Everyone knew about Katsuki's hot and nonchalant attitude, especially Todoroki, since if he'd spent time with anyone other then Y/n it was the blonde.

As Katsuki approached with his hands in his pockets, the stadium was radio silent, fixated on the words about to leave the young man's mouth. Y/n mentally braced herself for what was to come, making eye contact with a few confused students from 1A.

Y/n simply shrugged, unsure of the appropriate response to their concerned eyes. Bakugou stood in front of the mic, silent for a moment before he opened his mouth to speak. "I just wanted y'all to know...I'm fenna win."

Mental facepalm by Y/n and every god damn student in class 1A. 'Lord have mercy.' Y/n thought to herself, she swore she saw Mirko laughing in one of the stadiums tunnels.

The crowd then began roar in a what Y/n could make out as boo's and insulting chatter. It was obvious that the students nor and hordes of people watching didn't approve of the males 'speech.' But for the most part, Katsuki was absolutely unphased.

That took guts, especially to just walk away without a fuck to give about what thousands of people had to say about it. Damn. Respect.

As the crowds hateful noises died down, Y/n stepped back up to the mic. She announced the first game of the festival, the big screen displayed the words "obstacle course."

Y/n recalled the rules for the first game as she practiced before; an absolute free for all. "As long as y'all don't leave the course, any and everything goes! Ready, set, begin!" The horns blared and the students quickly darted towards the opening. Here we go, only thing on the young woman's mind was hope for her friends and kinda-boyfriend to finish safely.

Go class 1A!

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