Coal to a flame: Sasha

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"Send them to the dungeon!" Andrias announced, and two of his robots jumped down from the ceiling and grabbed Olivia, Yunan and Sasha and dragged them away.

"No!" Anne yelled, reaching out from where she was on the floor. But the three were already out of sight, and she was alone with that thing.

Sasha struggled against the robots but Olivia and Yunan lay limp in their arms.

"Guys! What are you doing?"

"We've... given up Sasha. I'm too tired," murmured Yunan.

They started descending some spiralling stairs.

"You can't give up yet! Come on, please, for me!"

Olivia looked as though she was about to say something, before her face fell.

Sasha was suspicious. "What?"

"I didn't say anything."

The robots threw them in a cold and damp cell and loudly slammed the door, before walking away.

"Ugh! What now?" Complained Sasha, throwing her hands up in the air like a toddler having a tantrum. 

"Calm down! I'm sure we can do- something..." Olivia said and fumbled around for something they could use to escape.

Sasha had an idea. "Wait..." She pulled the music box out from her bag and saw the gems each shining brightly.

"What did she do... Anne... when Sprig nearly died, and with Marcy, just then, that's what she's using. The gem... it's her power."


"Listen to me. Make me angry. Put my life in danger."

Yunan extended one of her built in blades and held it close to Sasha's nose, leaving an inch between them.

"Not like that!" Olivia said, dragging Yunan away. But they all still glanced back over at the music box. The gem stayed the same.

"How about you make me angry?"

"What makes you angry?" Yunan asked.

"If I'm being honest, it really makes me mad when I'm wrong."

"Okay, that's a starting point. How about we rub your mistakes in your face, like really harshly?"



"We need to tread somewhat lightly, okay? We want to break out of here, not get killed. Uh, Sasha, stand up."

Sasha followed this order.

"Close your eyes. Think about mistakes you have made, times you have messed up and been wrong."

So many to choose from, huh. Sasha knew that she was wrong, a lot. It was always hard for her to accept that, though.

She was wrong about the 'rebellion.'

She was wrong about wanting to spend time with family.

She was wrong about Anne.

Wrong about Marcy.

Wrong about the Plantars.

What wasn't she wrong about?

"Hey, hey, look at me, look at me, everything's going to be totally fine. Just. Hang. On!"

"We got you Anne, no matter what!"

"Uh... guys? I think we might have a situation!"

"Hey Anne? Maybe you're better off without me..."

The thing that angered her the most about that day is that she had been right. For once in her life, she had done the right thing.

And the right thing was choosing to plummet hundreds of feet to her certain death.

The sadness and rage was still clogged up inside her chest, and she could feel it resurfacing. She could almost see the realization in Anne's face as Sasha said her name.

She could feel their fingers breaking apart, the sting on her cheek and the feeling of true weightlessness as she cut through the wind.

And then a new feeling. A feeling of passion, strength, nothing like anything she had ever felt. It started in her veins, creeping closer and closer to her face. It felt like she was burning, but felt no pain.

She opened her eyes. And they were glowing pink.

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