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it's been a week, yuki still doesnt know how to talk to y/n about everything. he decided to talk to a girl that he has known since he was a child. he comes to her occasionally, usually for help. 

he had to cancel going to see y/n for three days since she lived pretty far.


the first day yuki canceled y/n was scared. she started to think that she scared him off with her collapse the other day. the next day he canceled she was seriously concerned. usually yuki spends all his time with her, even when studying.

y/n decided to go find him. she started with shigures house.

y/n: anyone home!?

tohru: oh hello y/n

y/n: hello sweets do you know where yuki is?

the shigure appeared from around the corner

shigure: Oh yuki? yeah he went to this girls house that pretty far away

y/n: oh well

suddenly i felt my throat closed and i had a cough fit. for a second I couldn't breathe and it was like the air was being sucked out of me. the doctors knew i'd go through all sorts of things so they gave me a bag. tohru grabbed it and looked through to find something to help. she found an inhaler and gave it to be quickly.

once i took it i could breathe perfectly fine. tohru looked freaked

y/n: sorry tohru didn't mean to scare you

after that tohru offered me tea and a place to sleep. i told her i had to get home to take care of somethings. really it was just to cry.

'was yuki really so freaked out by me that you left for some far away girl' i thought i didn't have much information to go off of so i ended up over thinking. saying things like

'does he not like me anymore'
'did he get bored'
'is she pretty, is she funny
'does she smell good'
and so on.

i ended up getting a really bad headache and passing out.


suddenly in my sleep there was a voice

?: y/n, y/nnnn

i jolted up and saw something like the other person i saw but this time she looked to be a mom. when i stood up i looked down and saw my body was still on the floor. lifeless

y/n: am i dead?

?: oh no honey i just need to talk to your uninterrupted so i took your soul so we could

y/n: oh... okay what did you need?

?: well i've been working on this for days now and i figured out a way to cure you!

y/n: im excited and all but first could you tell me who you are?

?: well i am a family head from the past. i come from a grave yard of them. i figured out that you skipped a step when becoming a family head/the god.

y/n: and what is that step?

i said eagerly

?: you need to fall in love and marry

y/n: what? but what about akito, she never had to do that, she was single the whole time

?: akito was a false god, simply a place holder.

y/n: a place holder... for who?

?: well for you of course, you're the sohmas god

i stood there for a second and thought of the step.

y/n: and the last step, isn't there always conditions and things to go with it?

?: yes, it must be someone you truly love and they have to love you back. they also need to be one of the sohma, doesn't matter if they're a main or not. you also have exactly 2 weeks. on saturday night of the last week i will visit you in your dreams once again.

wait what? in my dreams? before i could say anything i jolted awake... a dream? no, it was real but i wasn't awake.

i thought of what the person said. 'I have yo marry and love so young... oh god' i thought to myself. i rolled out of bed thinking of yuki.... i love yuki, does he love me back or does he love that far away girl?

sorry this is so short and it took me forever to publish. i hope you guys are having a wonderful day 😇🙏🏼. I also haven't revised and edited this yet. i just wanted to publish it so you guys won't have to wait till saturday!

please vote and comment 🫶🏼

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